Page 19 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
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pace of vaccination will help in measures to insulate themselves ing the MSMEs, small businesses
fast-tracking this recovery phase. from similar uncertainties such and working-class at all levels,
as identifying alternate resourc- several OEMs, automakers have
Opportune time for Indian es of supply, cost control, opera- been shutting down their manu-
Manufacturing industry tional efficiency, and use of tech- facturing plants to curb the daily
The Manufacturing industry is nology for internal and external surge in the cases. While the eco-
playing a crucial role in the eco- operations. The Government of nomic impact of this massive sec-
nomic growth of our country. India and the state of Karnataka ond wave remains uncertain, we
The disruptions due to the pan- have given the Aerospace sector expect spending and activity lev-
demic in the industry are tempo- permission to operate during the els to gain momentum through
rary. Manufacturing companies lockdown. The Government is the year as the macro environ-
are now better prepared to tack- aligned that the Aerospace sector ment improves.
le unexpected and sudden local- is an essential sector similar to the Talking about Maharashtra only,
ised lockdowns by the states. global mindset. This will help In- the state contributes 15 percent
The Indian Manufacturing indus- dia to continue to be competitive to the nation’s GDP. Halting the
try is also expecting huge invest- and play by global rules in the Automotive sector and Process in-
ments as the leading internation- Aerospace sector. dustries is always difficult because
al mobile phone manufacturers I am optimistic that the econ- restarting them requires a huge
and automobile manufacturers omy will recover towards the amount of time and energy cost.
have set up units in India and are end of this year. As the vaccina- We saw a tremendous pickup in
also expanding production. tion coverage grows, the econ- demand and consumer sentiment
omy will recover accordingly when industries started to pick up
Source: Collins Aerospace in different parts of the world. in the January-March quarter. At
Source: SKF India LtdIn North America and parts of SKF, we remain focused on sup-
Europe, vaccination coverage porting our customers, staying
is growing. In Asia, China has disciplined on our strategic prior-
already recovered, and India’s ities, improving operating efficien-
economy will depend on how cies and optimizing costs through
soon we can get a significant digitalization efforts, faster execu-
level of inoculation done in the tion and most importantly, invest-
next 3-4 months. ment in our people’s capabilities
to create long-term value for all
our stakeholders.
Parag Wadhawan Manish Bhatnagar Manufacturing activities
Managing Director & Site Lead Managing Director affected
Collins Aerospace SKF India Ltd Localized lockdowns equally im-
pact manufacturing activities.
Significant drop in Focused at creating value We have six factories around the
demand for stakeholders country. Many of our suppliers are
As the Covid-19 cases continue Our country is going through a fe- based in Maharashtra. So, what
to rise in the country, consum- rocious second wave of Covid-19, happens in Maharashtra, impacts
er sentiments have turned neg- the scale of which has not been not just the SKF factory in Pune,
ative. The second wave could seen before. Although, the Gov- it also impacts our factories in
make matters worse if it goes ernment is focusing on mass Ahmedabad, Haridwar, and Ban-
on for a longer period than pre- vaccination drives and support- galore. Even our suppliers do not
dicted earlier. We are on the have clarity in terms of what can
path to recovery and each sec- be opened, what is not allowed
tor is doing its bit. to be opened leading to increased
disruption. Already 25 percent of
Economy to recover all two-wheelers, four-wheelers,
by year end and commercial vehicles are made
The pandemic could pave the way in this state. If you add the supply
for India's much-anticipated en- chain connections to the state, that
try into the Manufacturing sec- number goes up tremendously.
tor. Businesses are taking several | 19May-June 2021