Page 30 - MMI- Aug2022
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Relevant to all sectors ute to our company’s success,”
Since deburring and finishing “As the demand in the market shares Dr Patel.
are value-added services that continues to rise, businesses are This explains how Valgro In-
are required in all sectors, Val- finding it increasingly difficult dia’s goal of installing over 100
gro India is engaged with dif- to find qualified workers and pieces of machinery in the fis-
meet their production deadlines.
ferent segments, such as Auto, The technologically-advanced cal year 2021-22 was smooth-
Aircraft, Precise Engineering, products that Valgro India ly accomplished. “The entire
Shipbuilding, Architectural and provides help to lessen their Valgro team worked diligently
reliance on manual labor,
Construction fabrication, Kitch- boost their production, and cut towards the goal. We sold more
en and Restaurant equipment, down on the instances of rework than 125 machines in the peri-
and rejection.”
and so on. Dairy Equipment, od,” he proudly says.
Food Process Machinery, Phar- Dr Arvind Patel
Founder & CEO
maceutical Processing Machin- Valgro India Ltd Plans ahead
ery, Packaging Machinery, and Dr Patel says he has complete
Beverage Equipment Manufac- faith in the company’s products
turer Construction of a Process- Aircraft, Computer Components, and technology, which can be
ing Plant, Escalator, Elevators, Toy Production, and many more. made accessible at affordable pric-
Doors, Public Transportation “Deburring and edge finishing es. “As the demand in the market
System, Metro, and Railways are are used in each of these do- continues to rise, businesses are
other sectors that the company mains to eliminate rough edges, finding it increasingly difficult to
As raw supplies its offerings to. reduce cost and performance, find qualified workers and meet
material “Sheet metal processing after and improve safety and aesthet- their production deadlines. The
prices rise, cutting and punching is our ics. Deburring is an essential and technologically-advanced prod-
so does the most profitable market,” in- expected use in the Manufactur- ucts that Valgro India provides
demand forms Dr Patel. ing industry worldwide. It will help to lessen their reliance on
for reliable
deburring As raw material prices rise, so continue to be a key component manual labor, boost their produc-
and edge does the demand for reliable in the creation of high-quality tion, and cut down on instances
finishing deburring and edge finishing items throughout the world as of rework and rejection,” he says.
operations. operations. Deburring is still a the global economy grows more “We anticipate that our ma-
Deburring significant finishing technique integrated,” he says. chinery will assist all industries
is still a used in the industrial industry. involved in metal processing in
significant Trimming and polishing are in- Accomplishing targets meeting the demand for metal
finishing herent in the deburring process “Investing in competent, high- finishing. With the implementa-
technique and are used in the production ly qualified technical employ- tion of our strategic plan, Valgro
used in the of sprockets, gears, camshafts, ees, modern machinery and will establish itself as a market
industrial and other parts. It is widely uti- infrastructure, and delivering leader in the metal finishing sec-
lized in a wide range of indus- on time are some of the most tor by 2025,” concludes Dr Patel
trial industries, including Auto, important things that contrib- on this optimistic note.
Source: Valgro India Ltd
30 | July-August 2022 Modern Manufacturing India