Page 26 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 26

If a part
           fails                                                                                                Source: Modern Machine Shop
           mates the   1Factory’s run chart, histogram, and statistical process control data show feature-level tracking for each part. In this example, only one measurement of
                       one feature fell into the yellow zone, indicating that the feature measured within 25% of the required tolerance.
           report        of a CMM probe or scan of a vi-  also from manually input data—  inspection, and the day and time
           process by
           uploading     sion machine is visible almost   and  then handing over statis-  of the part’s production. The re-
           the part      instantly to every machinist at   tical  process  control  (SPC)  to   port  also  identifies which  gage
           number, the   every workstation on the shop   the  machinist.  The  visual  data   or CMM was  used for  inspec-
           out-of-tol-   floor. Once UMC’s inspection   lets the machinist know that   tion and  can  identify  all prior
           erance        data is in 1Factory, the software   adjustments  to  the  machining   inspections performed with that
           feature,      analyzes the data and creates a   process are needed to bring the   gage. On top of that, the software
           the part      run chart and histogram that   measurements back in line.   tracks  calibration  schedules  for
           description,   show which part features pres-  If a part fails inspection, 1Factory   all measurement  equipment—
           the operator   ent the highest risk of failure.  automates the non-conformance   which at UMC includes  more
           assigned      This real-time feedback loop   report process by uploading the   than  10,000  hand  gages—and
           to the        means that 1Factory is integrat-  part number, the out-of-toler-  displays a red flag if an operator
           and the day   ing UMC’s inspection  points—  ance feature,  the part  descrip-  attempts  to use a gage  that re-
           and time of   not  only  from the  CMMs  but   tion, the operator assigned to the   quires calibration.
           the part’s

                                                                                                                Source: Modern Machine Shop

                       Sarah Sundine, Director, Project Management, UMC in the company’s CMM lab. Sundine helped lead a transition from the company’s use of five different
                       quality management software platforms to full integration into 1Factory.

          26  |  July-August 2022                                                        Modern Manufacturing India
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