Page 33 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 33
Castle Precision Engineering has been using CGTech’s VERICUT CNC simula-
tion software for many years, protecting high-value customer components as
well as its own advanced machine tools. The company has now embraced the
efficiency and productivity gains offered by the Force module of the software.
Source: CGTech
Castle Precision Production Cell
hile Castle supports the two core areas of our pro- defence optronics and hydrau-
W a number of ad- duction business, and both re- lic actuation systems for con-
trol surfaces and landing gear.”
quire extremely high levels of
sectors, such as Medical Devices precision and machining ex- Prismatic parts are typical-
and Power Generation, the ma- pertise. Over the years, we’ve ly machined from relatively
jority – around 90 percent – of carved out a niche for ourselves straightforward materials, pri-
its circa £20m annual turnover in manufacturing critical rotat- marily aluminum alloys, along
comes from the Aerospace ing parts for the aero engine with some steel and titanium.
and Defence sectors. To cater market—failure of these parts However, rotating aero-engine
to the diverse needs of its can bring an airplane out of the components usually involve
customer base, there are three sky, so our OEM customers are more exotic and difficult-to-ma-
focused sub-divisions that en- not only trusting us with their chine materials, including tita-
compass what the business has reputations but also with the nium and nickel-based super
to offer: Rotatives, Prismatics, safety of the pilots and passen- alloys, where forgings valued
and Toolroom. gers whose flights they power. up to US$100,000 for a single
Roy Yuile, Manufacturing En- We also manufacture a wide workpiece are not uncommon.
gineering Manager, Castle Pre- range of complex prismatic With a population of around 60
cision Engineering, explains: products to very exacting tol- CNC machine tools representing
Source: CGTech “Rotatives and Prismatics are erances for applications such as the latest multi-axis manufactur-
July-August 2022 | 33