Page 35 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 35

Source: CGTech

          User-friendliness wins        the tool.  Smoothing  out  spikes   that  you  can sell to  somebody
          During the  evaluation  phase,   in cutting force or chip load can   else, consumables are direct cash
          the  engineering  team  at Cas-  have a major  effect  on tool life,   spend. If it takes £100 of carbide   Castle has
          tle worked with  CGTech UK  to   but it is  harder  to quantify  the   to make a particular part and we   everything
          create a test  case based on an   benefit as you can’t tell until you   can  reduce  that to £80,  we  are   built up in
          existing  process involving  both   go and try it,” he adds.  literally not spending £20. That’s   VERICUT
          turning and milling, which was   “On one of the jobs we were ana-  £20  that stays in  our bank  ac-  already, and
          provided to multiple  software   lyzing recently, we were looking   count. Cycle time savings are soft   CGTech has
          vendors. As Yuile points out, “To   at a histogram of chip load and   money;  they’re potential  reve-  done a real-
          be honest,  they  all came  back   seeing that for maybe 5 percent   nue, while consumables spend is   ly good job
          with  broadly  similar  results  for   of the time it was twice as high   hard money; it’s cash.”  of making
          cycle time reduction, but it was   as the average load, telling us                        Force as us-
          the usability that was the differ-  that there were regular spikes   Partners in progress  as possible,
          entiating factor for us. We have   throughout the tool path. Now   Castle has always been an early   it helps
          everything built up in VERICUT   we have the ability to identify   adopter  of manufacturing  tech-  make the
          already, and because CGTech has   where these occur and slow the   nology, and VERICUT has estab-  benefits
          done a really good job of making   feed rate to level them out, reduc-  lished itself as an essential part of   of phys-
          Force as  user-friendly  as  possi-  ing tool wear and improving both   the company’s digital workflow.   optimization
          ble, it helps make the benefits of   tool life and process stability.”  “We  put a  lot of effort into  en-  a lot more
          physics-based optimization a lot                            suring our simulations are an ac-  accessible.
          more accessible.”             Reducing consumables          curate representation of the real
          He says: “It is exciting, the idea   spend                  process, as the benefits VERICUT
          that we can go through our    Force has been in use at Castle for   delivers  are  massive,  both as  a
          existing workflow, take a job   about a year, and Yuile is keen to   safety  net and  as  an improve-
          that we have proven as a sta-  highlight one of the often-over-  ment  tool. All  of our  program-
          ble process, and then say, ‘Right   looked  benefits—consumables  ming  is  done  offline,  and  being
          VERICUT,  analyze  this  for  me   spend. He says: “Carbide cutting   able to accelerate the proving out
          and tell me where there’s room   tools are a major expenditure for   of new  jobs  by doing  most  of it
          for improvement’.”            us. When we are costing  a job,   virtually saves a huge amount of
          “The interesting thing is because   the  two key  variables  are  how   production downtime, as well as
          we are working with a lot of dif-  long it is going to take on the ma-  derisks the entire process.”
          ficult-to-machine  materials,  it’s   chine and how much we are go-  “We  trust VERICUT,” Yuile con-
          not  always  about cycle  time.  It   ing to  consume  in carbide.  Any   cludes, “and that trust comes from
          sounds counterintuitive, as typ-  reduction in cycle time Force can   experience. When manufacturing
          ically,  the  main  benefit of opti-  deliver is good, but so is any im-  high-value  components  for  such
          mization  is  the  opportunity  to   provement in tool life.”  critical applications, we need to
          speed things  up,  but sometimes   “Although cycle time  is  a  mon-  have confidence that we’re using
          it’s  also about slowing  things   etary  saving  in the  sense that   the very best tools for the job, and
          down to reduce peak loading on   you free up machine  capacity   VERICUT delivers.”

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