Page 34 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 34

ing technology from DMG Mori,
                         Makino,  Doosan, and  Grob, the   Requirement
                         shopfloor at Castle is a lesson in   Castle Precision Engineering was on the lookout for a Physics-based
                         housekeeping  and  efficient  or-  optimization software for it to be competitive on a global scale.
                         ganization for all to see. Looking
                         more  like  a  cleanroom  than  a   Solution
                         workshop,  it  highlights  what a   The company opted for CGTech’s VERICUT Force, which offered immense
                         class-leading  aerospace supplier   benefits,  including the ability to identify where chip load spikes occurred
                         should strive to achieve and cre-  and slow the feed rate to level them out, reducing tool wear and
                         ates  an  environment  that nur-  improving both tool life and process stability. It also helped Castle reduce
                         tures  professional behavior at   consumables spend.
                         every level.

                         VERICUT, a safety net         ments are made using VERICUT   is where we win or lose,” he says.
                         Protecting this advanced manu-  because the software offers the   “The  pressure  within  the  Aero-
                         facturing capability is VERICUT   opportunity to prove edits in a   space industry  on cost is  enor-
                         CNC  simulation software.  Yuile   virtual environment. “We don’t   mous, and for us to stand against
                         says: “CAD is at the front end of   edit at the machine console   global  competition,  we  have  to
                         our engineering workflow – we   because of the risk involved,”   be  smarter,  faster,  and  more  ef-
                         either  import a 3D model  sup-  Yuile adds, “If you mess up, you   ficient.  Physics-based optimiza-
           With          plied by the customer  or draw   have no safety net. Instead, our   tion software has  been on our
           VERICUT       one up from a 2D definition and   engineers bring the code back   radar for a while, and we started
           an estab-
           lished part   break  this  down  into  the  vari-  into VERICUT, make their edits,   looking at it seriously a couple of
           of Castle’s   ous stages of manufacture, from   and then hit simulate to check   years ago.”
           business for   material supply to finished part.   that the program is safe to re-  “There are a few key players in
           the past 12   These  stage  models  and  their   lease. Smashing pixels is much   that market,  and  we  evaluated
           years, the    accompanying fixtures or work-  cheaper and safer than writing   them  all. There’s a lot of clever
           has proven    holding  devices are  transferred   off a machine tool, so verifying   math behind it, but the basic idea
           its ability to   to CAM,  where  we  build  tools,   code using a digital twin before   of physics-based optimization  is
           protect the   generate toolpaths,  post NC   we put anyone or anything at   to analyze a toolpath line by line,
           company       code,  and  then  port the  whole   risk is an integral part of our   calculate the forces acting on the
           as well as    job straight into VERICUT using   workflow. This risk-based ap-  cutting  tool at any given  point
           being a key
           improve-      their CAM interface.”         proach is absolutely crucial, not   in time, and then adjust the feed
           ment tool for   He continues:  “VERICUT has   just in aerospace and defence,   rate to balance or control  that
           its manu-     been  an established part  of our   but for any high-value product   force and chip load,” he adds.
           facturing     workflow for over  a  decade  –   and business.”            “This means there’s a lot of num-
           processes.    nothing  goes  out to a  machine                            ber crunching involved, but be-

                         without first going  through   May the Force be with you    fore you even get there, you need
                         VERICUT, and that is across the   With VERICUT an  established   to build an accurate digital model
                         board. It is an essential safety net,   part  of Castle’s  business  for the   of the machining  process.  Since
                         not just for the product but also   past  12  years,  the software has   we  already  simulate  every  job
                         for our machines and personnel.   proven  its  ability to protect the   in  VERICUT, the major  advan-
                         We have some programs in our   company as well as being a key   tage  of VERICUT Force is  that
                         factory that  have been around   improvement  tool for its manu-  building this model takes almost
                         for 10 or 20 years, alongside jobs   facturing processes. Yuile states:   no additional  effort – all Force
                         that are fresh  out of CAM.  We   “VERICUT Force is a step further   needs  is  a bit more information
                         use  VERICUT  to simulate  any   along this curve. Moving beyond   on tool  geometry and  material
                         new  or modified code  before it   the  goalkeeper  functionality,   characteristics;  everything  else
                         goes out to a machine. We have   Force allows us to start optimiz-  is  already there. The  cycle  time
                         a digital twin  for almost  every   ing our processes as well as prov-  savings  you can expect  to  get
                         machine tool, and because VERI-  ing that they are safe.”   from this  kind  of optimization
                         CUT  reads  the  same  G-code  as   Every manufacturing  business   are typically 10-20 percent, and
                         the machine controller, it’s com-  faces  the  same  three challenges   VERICUT offered an almost ‘plug
                         pletely  CAM-agnostic  and  can   from its customers: quality, deliv-  and play’ solution for both mill-
                         simulate code from any source.”  ery, and cost. “Generally, quality   ing  and  turning  that was really
                         Very often, process improve-  and delivery are a given, and cost   attractive to us,” adds Yuile.

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