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Source: Modern Machine Shop  Source: Modern Machine Shop   Source: Modern Machine Shop

                         Fig 5: Another capability needed for  laser   Fig 6: Final machining of production parts is an   Fig 7: The area above and below the turning line
                         powder  bed  fusion:  milling  to  resurface   additional machining capability needed for metal   around the OD of the part shows the precision
                         build plates.                 additive manufacturing. This photo and the two   of metal additive manufacturing. The turned
                                                       preceding ones all were taken at RMS, a medical   section is obviously a truer circle, but the as-
                                                       device manufacturer established in CNC machi-  printed form is not far off. Because of this
                                                       ning that nevertheless decided to allocate speci-  precision, machining for additive manufacturing
                         bined with polymer composite   al machining capacity to additive manufacturing.  entails light cuts. Part of the expertise of
                                                                                     producing this microturbine housing involved
                         in place of metal for the shaft                             forecasting just how much extra stock to add
                         of the tool, together delivered                             to the printed part for machining.
                         a weight savings of 40 to 50%   away as one of the final steps of
                         compared  to  what  a  conven-  that cycle.
           LPBF is       tional tool at this size would   The photo illustrates  a  signifi-  bed  fusion  by means  of a  wire
           the most      have  required,  Kennametal   cant point: Design for additive   EDM machine developed for this
           wide-         says. Reducing tool weight is   manufacturing is to a consid-  application;  resurfacing  of build
           ly used       valuable even in cases where   erable extent  design for ma-  plates for re-use via face milling
           and best      the tool changer is not a poten-  chining. Production metal parts   of these plates on a vertical ma-
           established   tial limiting factor. Less mass   made additively can have or-  chining center; and the setup for
           process       means less energy used to ac-  ganic, intricate forms that per-  finish  machining  a 3D  printed
           for making    celerate the tool up to full rota-  haps could not be realized in any   components on a small machin-
           metal         tional speed during machining,   other process, but those parts al-  ing center doing finer work. The
           produc-       and, therefore, less cost.    most always will need machin-  point: A fully developed produc-
           tion parts                                  ing to get to their final toleranc-  tion metal 3D printing operation
           additively,   2. Design for AM Involves     es. An effective additive process   requires  machining  infrastruc-
           and ma-
           chining is    Design for Machining          needs to anticipate how the   ture in various forms.
           used in at    Fig 3 shows another part devel-  part will be held in the machine
           least three   oped by DMG MORI. The com-    tool that will complete the part   4. Machining for AM Focuses
           different,    pany makes both metalcutting   — so to an extent, machining is   on Light, High-Value Cuts
           distinctive   machine tools and metal ad-   part of additive manufacturing,    As  additive  manufacturing
           ways in       ditive manufacturing systems   and machining knowledge is   advances to take on more and
           support       (both laser powder bed fusion   part of what is necessary to de-  more of part production, it will
           of this       and directed energy deposi-   sign and engineer the additive   change the kinds of machining
           process.      tion), placing its team members   build effectively.        that is  performed and the  role
                         in good positions to explore                                that machining plays. Com-
                         tactics  for  using  additive  and   3. Laser Powder Bed Fusion   pared to other types of near-
                         machining in harmony. On this   Entails a Sequence of       net-shape parts, additive parts
                         3D-printed  medical  implant,  a   Machining Steps          need little machining, but the
                         cylindrical post is added to the   Machining for metal additive   machining needed is particu-
                         form that is 3D printed. This   manufacturing goes beyond   larly critical.
                         adds material and adds addi-  just  finishing  the  3D-printed   The part in Fig 7 illustrates this.
                         tive build time, but the payoff is   part. LPBF is arguably the most   The 3D-printed microturbine
                         much easier machining to com-  widely used and best estab-  housing needs OD finish ma-
                         plete the part. The part would   lished process for making met-  chining, but it is necessary to
                         otherwise be difficult to  hold   al production parts additively,   look  closely  to  see  the  differ-
                         and locate, but the post pro-  and machining is used in at   ence in precision between the
                         vides a feature that the chuck of   least three different, distinctive   original 3D-printed form and
                         a turn-mill machine can readily   ways in support of this process.  the machined section above
                         hold for a rapid machining cycle   Fig 4, 5, and 6 illustrate this. Seen   it. That is, the additive form is
                         within this machine tool type.   here is part separation from the   not precisely round the way
                         The cylinder is then machined   build plate used in laser powder   the CNC turned area is, but it is

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