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| PC11-50E |

                                                                                                                                      Suitable for universal use:

                                                                                                                                      the C60xx ultra-compact

                         Source: Modern Machine Shop  Source: Modern Machine Shop   Source: Modern Machine Shop                       Industrial PCs

                         Fig 11: On this large-scale polymer composite   Fig 12: Energy sector spare part maker Sparox   Fig 13: Hybrid machine tools combine additive
                         form made through additive manufacturing,   3D used low-cost metal AM via fused filament   manufacturing with machining. This example
                         machining accounts for more of the production   fabrication to manufacture these solar panel   was seen at the most recent International
                         time than 3D printing. The part is a nearly   clips as an alternative to machining.  Manufacturing Technology Show. Phillips Corp.
                         complete  3D  printed  housing  for  a  flight              adds metal-deposition 3D printing heads to
                         simulator. Making this housing in just a few                existing machining centers to convert them
                         big  3D  printed  pieces  contributed  to  an               to hybrid machines.
                         assembly  consolidation  that  reduced  the
                         simulator’s part count by thousands.
           With a                                      ite structures such as large tools
           hybrid                                      built  in  room-sized  large-format   So-called ‘hybrid’ machine tools
           machine, a                                  additive systems, the machin-  incorporate  metal  3D  printing,
           broken or     tion is a  machined component:   ing needed to complete the part   generally  via  material  depo-
           feature       the build plate.              can easily account for more time   sition,  into  the  same  CNC  ma-
           can be        Laser powder bed fusion is    than the 3D printing.         chine that performs cutting. The
           machined      among the AM processes best                                 same  programmed  motion  that
           away, 3D      suited to precise, complex, elab-  9. Some Metal Parts Are Simpler   directs the cutting tool can also
           printed       orately detailed components.   to 3D Print (Fig 12)         direct the nozzle and energy
           back in       But because the build generally   This  efficiency  of  machining   system for additive operations.
           place, then   needs a precisely flat surface on   for making a short run of preci-  Once while I was standing be-
           machined      which to begin, the build plates   sion components is hard to beat.   side a long-time, experienced
           to tol-       used in this process are milled   The vast majority of parts made   machinist who was overseeing
           erance,       flat  after every use. Complex   through machining today will still   a CNC machine tool performing
           delivering    additive manufacturing thus   make sense to be made through   metal additive manufacturing,
           the compo-
           nent back     begins  with—and  counts  on—a   machining in the future, even af-  he turned to me and said, “I nev-        C6015          C6017              C6025             C6030                  C6032
           into service   simple milling step.         ter additive manufacturing tech-  er imagined I’d be ending my ca-
           through a                                   nology has further advanced.  reer putting the metal back on.”
           means that    8.  Large-Format AM Multiplies   But  low-cost metal 3D  printing   Bringing additive and machining
           is much       Machining Needs (Fig 11)      options  provide  a cost-effective   this  close  together in  the  same
           faster while   The smaller an additive manufac-  alternative to machining  in  a   machine, does not automatically
           less expen-   tured part is, the more precise it   growing  range  of cases.  For ex-  result in a more efficient process,
           sive and      can be. As AM parts grow larger,   ample,  fused  filament  fabrica-  even  when  both operations  are
           producing     rapid material deposition becomes   tion  is  the  extrusion  method of   needed. If the time needed for 3D
           a complete    a higher priority in order to keep   3D printing  usually  employed   printing is long, then it is likely
           replace-      the build time of the large part to   for polymer, but the  polymer   better  to keep  the  machine  tool
                         an acceptable duration. As a re-  filament can also be a carrier for   available for machining. Howev-
                         sult, though AM parts in general   metal powder, producing a green   er, one application where hybrid        Powerful, flexible, and suitable for universal use: with the C60xx ultra-compact Industrial PC series,
                         are near-net-shape, larger parts   part  that later becomes  a solid   machine tools are proving valu-       Beckhoff as a specialist in PC-based control technology offers a broad range of high-performance
                         stray  farther  from  net  shape  be-  metal  part  via sintering  after   able is  in the  repair  of existing   devices with low footprint and especially flexible installation. The range stretches from the compact
                         cause material layer heights or   the polymer is heated away. For   high-value components, such as           C6015 IPC entry-level class with dimensions of just 82 x 82 x 40 mm through to the C6032 with
                         layer thicknesses are large to   short-run  parts  characterized   large tools or shafts. With a hy-         Intel  Core™ i processors and a variety of modular interface and functional enhancements. Even for
                         speed the build. This means the   by a  bit  of geometric  complexi-  brid machine, a broken or dam-         complex applications with the highest performance requirements, high-end computing power in an   Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd.
                         amount of material removal need-  ty, 3D printing the metal part in   aged  feature  can  be  machined       ultra-compact design can be combined with a very attractive pricing.     Pune – 411 001, India
                         ed to complete the part is a higher   this way can offer a simple and   away, 3D  printed back in place,                                                                              Phone: +91 (20) 6706 4800
                         percentage of the part overall for   fast alternative to producing the   then  machined to   tolerance,                                                                     
                         larger 3D printed parts.      parts on a CNC machine tool.  delivering  the  component  back
                         Another way of expressing  this                             into  service through  a means
                         is:  Machining  time  is  a  larger   10. Machine Tools Are a Natural   that is  much  faster  while less
                         share of the process for larger ad-  Platform for Metal Deposition   expensive and producing a com-
                         ditive parts. For polymer compos-  (Fig 13)                 plete replacement.

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