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Source: Modern Machine Shop Source: Modern Machine Shop Source: Modern Machine Shop
Fig 2: Additive manufacturing allows smaller Fig 3: The post on the as-printed form of this Fig 4: Machining capabilities needed for metal
tools to include effective through-tool implant made through LPBF exists only to part production via laser powder bed fusion
channels for coolant delivery. Modular simplify machining. A chuck clamps on this AM include wire EDM for separating parts from
through-tool-coolant drills from Kennametal feature, which is machined away once other the build plate. The machine seen here from
in sizes 10 mm diameter and smaller are made machining operations are done. GF Machining Solutions is specifically designed
via laser powder bed fusion. for AM applications.
coolant channels all grown into ations, another challenge was Additive manufacturing brings
the solid part. What used to be quickly removing loose metal new possibilities to cutting tools
an assembly of 71 components powder from within the part’s for machining. Those possibili-
now is an assembly of five, channels after 3D printing. ties apply to both big and small
thanks to all the assembly con- All of this is valuable to consider tools, as Fig 1 and Fig 2 of cut-
solidation into this 3D printed because of what it shows about ting tools illustrate. Both tools
piece, and leaking out of the the place additive manufac- come from Kennametal. For a To an
main body of the adapter is es- turing, particularly in metal, is small tool, AM offers a way to extent,
sentially impossible now. In ad- finding relative to machining. In get through-tool coolant chan- machining
dition, coolant flow is improved the case of the AKZ FDS adapter, nels into a narrow tool body. is part of
because 3D printing allows for additive manufacturing does all The company’s KenTIP FS line of additive
contoured, optimized passag- of this: It enables more capable modular drills in sizes 10 mm in turing, and
es, not straight holes joining at machining by improving the de- diameter and smaller are made machining
corners. Plus, the new version sign of a machining center; it re- additively through LPBF. Drills knowledge
of the part is lighter; lattice places machining by realizing a with such a small cross-section is part of
forms in regions of the compo- part design superior to what previously offered no practical what is
nent where solid material is not machining alone was capable way to machine precise inter- necessary
needed, realizing a weight re- of producing; and it relies on nal passages into the body. With to design
duction of about 50 percent. machining, because 3D print- AM, the passages do not have to and engi-
So, is the AKZ FDS adapter a ing alone can’t attain the neces- be machined; they are grown neer the
case of additive manufacturing sary tolerances. All this is true inside as part of the 3D printing, additive
triumphing over machining? It’s at once. Meanwhile, additive and they can follow a curving build effec-
not that simple. The adapter still manufacturing has achieved a path that is conducive to effi-
gets machined. 3D printing de- solution that is simpler in some cient coolant flow.
livers advantages related to in- respects, while also entailing a Meanwhile, the large tool is
ternal passages and part weight, sophisticated process. for precisely machining stator
but it cannot deliver a complet- Additive manufacturing has ad- bores for the motors of electric
ed part; critical tolerances for vanced quickly, and part of that vehicles. In this case, additive
mating surfaces and fastening advance has been to advance manufacturing is important for
holes are still achieved through machining—not just in a case realizing a sufficiently light-
milling and drilling. like the adapter, but also more weight tool. The length and
Is this part an example of how broadly in cases such as cutting cutting diameter needed to
3D printing makes what used tools made through 3D printing. machine the large stator bore
to be a complex subassembly result in a large tool. If this tool
an easy part to produce? It is Follows ten answers to had been produced conven-
not even that, company engi- the question: ‘How do tionally from solid steel pieces,
neers say, because realizing an machining and additive it would have been too massive
efficient process based on ad- manufacturing now for use in the tool changers of
ditive manufacturing involved interact with one another?’ established machining centers
its own process engineering. used in automotive production.
In addition to providing for the 1. AM Is Making Cutting Tools But using 3D printed geometric
downstream machining oper- More Capable forms to reduce the mass, com-
November-December 2022 | 19