Page 24 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 24
AR applica-
tions give
new life to
to workers
on the front
line and can
provide the
nity for
on all tasks
and overlay
to make
more accu-
case its tech-forward position- ing. Glasses that project video, every technician or machinist;
ing with millennials and other graphics and text can visually companies can now use the AR
audiences. Potential candidates guide a worker through assem- technology to supplement their
at college and recruiting events bly or maintenance tasks. employees’ existing knowledge
can use a VR headset to experi- Together with providing com- - potentially even with the en-
ence one of the company’s new panies with an opportunity to gineering expertise delivered
trains rushing across the plains showcase work to potential via telepresence.
or the technology behind its employees and on-board work- Put simply, with the right ap-
undersea oil and gas operations. ers better, AR and VR also give plication of augmented reality
Once in place, AR and VR can them the opportunity to re- on the production floor, train-
speed the onboarding of new tain the knowledge of an aging ing becomes truly ‘on the job’.
workers and improve worker workforce. No longer does an One can feed training informa-
productivity by offering a more expert technician need to be tion right on top of the actual
immersive, on-the-job train- in place to train and oversee parts and assemblies. They can
24 | November-December 2021 Modern Manufacturing India