Page 49 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 49

ity of Taiwan’s machine tool       the ‘Smart Manufacturing           graphical limits, including Cen-       It is
                products. On similar lines, the    Summit’ were also aired to         tral and South America.                expected
                CEO of APM Trade, as a visitor,    help the buyers grab industry                                             that the
                also praised the event inter-      trends first-hand amid the pan-    Looking forward                        global
                face, and added that he was        demic. With the accumulated        The event provided the much-           buyers will
                successful in interacting with     video content, a total number      needed positive impetus and            be following
                suppliers for business consid-     of viewers exceeding 10,000        an increased boost of con-             TIMTOS
                erations. Other Italian visitors   will continue to spread their      ference to Taiwan’s Machine            Online and
                such as Faustino Pittori & C. srl  popularity online through the      Tool industry while it is on           the next
                and Duplomatic Motion Solu-        browse mode.                       its road to recovery. From             TIMTOS will
                tions affirmed the success of      Fair Friend Group (FFG), a         March 21 - April 15, 2021, the         be presented
                the exhibition as well.            high-profile exhibitor, asserted   online exhibition switched to          in a hybrid
                                                   that as global economic activi-    the display and browse mode,           format
                TIMTOS Glimpse and more            ties shift gears to online devel-  during which the visitors could        merging the
                A highly popular series of         opment, the transmission of in-    communicate with the exhib-            real with the
                events launched in August last     formation has turned out to be     itors through text messaging           virtual.
                year, TIMTOS Glimpse was re-       more comprehensive in terms        function and check the Show
Source: TAITRA  launched with the theme of         of speed, depth and breadth.       Weekly in the online media
                ‘Smart Manufacturing Factory       The online platform not only       center on a weekly basis. It
                Tour’ during the online exhibi-    helps the company promote its      is expected that the global buy-
                tion period. Additional events     technology and image but also      ers will be following TIMTOS
                including TIMTOS Studio for        helps support the FFG agents       Online and the next TIMTOS
                new product launches, TIMTOS       to promote its businesses in       will be presented in a hybrid
                Factory Live for showcasing        markets that have been less        format merging the real with
                the factories of suppliers and     explored due to time and geo-      the virtual.	

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