Page 14 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 14


                    TINY CHANGES, BIG IMPACT

                    Leaks are notorious for causing major operating losses including energy wastage
                    in an industrial compressed air system. Here are some sustainable actions that
                    can be taken to address them…

                                                                                           Source: Atlas Copco India Pvt Ltd

                    T  he leaks in the air com-         tion on the compressed air leaks.  leakages less than 5 percent in
                       pressors often tend to           It will also help in prioritizing  a manufacturing plant.
                       get ignored, but they            the actions on the leaks based
                                                        on the locations and repair them   If not-so-ideal scenario
                    can be a considerable source of     effectively in the compressor      If the quantified air leaks are be-
                                                        room. This way, additionally, a    tween 5 and 10 percent then it is
                    energy wastage in an industrial     reasonable amount of energy        advisable to perform a leak detec-
                                                        can be saved with lower energy     tion test with an air audit expert.
                    compressed air system. A typi-      consumption and by optimizing      If the quantified leaks are more
                                                        the air compressor.                than 10 percent then it should be
                    cal manufacturing facility or a                                        fixed on high priority as they are
                                                        Acceptable leak percentage         draining the resources. Here, the
                    plant (not properly serviced on     Theoretically, there should        recommendation is to take the
                                                        be zero percent compressed         help of air audit experts who will
                    time) will likely have a leak rate  air leakages in a manufactur-      audit the compressed air system
                                                        ing plant. However, as there       and provide the right solution to
                    close to 20 percent of total com-   are considerable constraints,      the issues.
                                                        it is not possible to eliminate    However, if there are budget
                    pressed air production capacity.    100 percent leakages from the      and time constraints, the fol-
                                                        compressed air site. Hence,        lowing ways must be resorted
                    As per our energy managers,         efforts are made to have the       to for addressing the compres-
                                                        lowest percentage of leaks in      sor air leaks in-house for sus-
                    a 1 mm hole can lead to             the plant. As a thumb rule, the    tainable energy savings:
                                                        energy experts always recom-       •	 Create and observe leak
                    leakage of 3 cfm which may          mend having compressed air
                                                                                              repair programs like ‘Leak
CONRAD LATHAM       cost you approximately `22,000
General Manager
Compress Technique  in a year. Leaks can also lead
Atlas Copco India
Pvt Ltd             to various other operating
conrad.latham@      losses as they cause a drop in

                    the overall system pressure,

                    which can make air tools func-

                    tion less efficiently, adversely

                    affecting production.

                    The method of leak quantifica-

                    tion can help in formulating a

                    strategy to take a sustainable ac-

14 | May-June 2021                                                                         Modern Manufacturing India
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