Page 13 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 13
IMTEX & Tooltech nities and strategies to innovate, through unscathed as it expects India’s Ma-
2021 Rescheduled enhanced technological capac- the pent-up demand to return chine Tool
ities, reoriented market strat- once the restrictions are lifted. industry
Indian Machine Tool egies and moved to the digital It is also likely that the ongoing gauges
Manufacturers’ Association platforms wherever applicable, second wave of coronavirus will some
(IMTMA) has rescheduled and was re-emerging as a strong have a short-term economic im- immediate
its flagship exhibition force once again. pact, and once the vaccination setbacks
in the wake of surging It supported the Government drive picks up from June quar- with the
coronavirus cases in India. in manufacturing masks, PPE ter onwards, things will change local lock-
IMTEX & Tooltech 2021 will kits, ventilators, etc. to fight the and the medium-term growth downs but
be combined with IMTEX Covid pandemic. It is a testing outlook will be stable. is hopeful
FORMING 2022 at Bangalore time again as the industry once Different Indian states would of coming
International Exhibition again needs to demonstrate its also be loosening restrictions through
Centre (BIEC) from January resilience during the second by then, and all these will bode unscathed
20 - 26, 2022. wave of the pandemic. well for the economy. as it ex-
This is another window of op- pects the
protect frontline health workers portunities to serve the Health- Manufacturing units still pent-up
and patients. care industry through the pro- running demand
duction of oxygen concentrators Interestingly, it hasn’t been a to- to return
Resilience for effective and other medical devices need- tal shutdown yet in some states. once the
revival ed to face future contingencies. Large, medium and micro indus- restrictions
The Manufacturing industry Possibly, Pharmaceutical and Bi- trial units have been permitted are lifted.
remained resilient in the first ological industries need to force- to run with partial lockdown. As
wave of the pandemic last year fully adopt strategies to counter production units in some states
and it strived hard with some future emergencies with new are still running, it is believed
unprecedented measures. The vaccines and medicines. that the negative impacts on
industry, meanwhile, delved business may be lessened.
deep, relooked at the opportu- Staying buoyant As India beats the pandemic and
India’s Machine Tool indus- pre-empts occurrence of a third
try gauges some immediate wave, businesses should bounce
setbacks with the local lock- back to growth, although it may
downs but is hopeful of coming take a while to do so.
Source: Magic Wand Media | 13May-June 2021