Page 40 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 40

A small        •	Reduced material handling           time. They know that he needs        Automating production but
cutting tool      makes running smaller batches      software and accessories that        also considering automating
factory           much more cost-effective.          will help him keep things ticking    processes: One may not have the
relies on                                            over without wasting time and        business budgets to request tai-
every work-    •	Streamlining of existing pro-       money reloading materials.           lored solutions, but out-of-the-
ing part          cesses and systems across                                               box solutions are available that
being up          the business.                      Approaching where to start           can be used to manage invento-
to scratch                                           Chances are there will be no ob-     ry, integrate with ERP to manage
including      •	Elimination of mistakes in ma-      vious trigger when it comes to       job orders, and even pack ready
its people.       terial management.                 adopting industrial automation.      for dispatch. Many will work ef-
Automation                                           Many smaller businesses won’t        fectively with their existing pro-
removes        •	Automating in-process mea-          have planned to develop the lev-     cesses even if they have never
the risk          surement raises the quality of     el of automation they have. Some     automated them before.
of human          tool production and can near-      may have started only after an       Industrial automation can help
error, creat-     ly eliminate waste, meaning        increase in labor and setup costs    focus on people: A small cut-
ing a safer       more profit.                       forced them to look for ways to      ting tool factory relies on every
working en-                                          run more smartly. But that is ok,    working part being up to scratch
vironment      Standing on the giants’               one can build one’s automation       including its people. Automation
that’s less    shoulders                             solution piece by piece – as long    removes the risk of human error,
likely to be   Bigger companies indeed have          as they have an agreed vision.       creating a safer working environ-
disrupted.     more buying power. When it            It may be as simple as being ob-     ment that’s less likely to be dis-
               comes to industrial automa-           servant and seeing which steps       rupted. Furthermore, changing
               tion, they have scope to ask for      in one’s production process have     government legislation is limiting
               tailored developments to suit         the greatest cost. Unlike other ef-  how many hours employees can
               specific needs or to make these       ficiency drives, there is no harm    work. Automation is the obvious
               in-house adjustments. But as          in approaching this piecemeal.       solution to maximize machine
               new technology and solutions          One has to start by attacking the    time when people are not present.
               are developed in response to          area of their business that will     Applying industrial automation
               these requests, the industry as       provide them with the greatest       solutions that connect one more
               a whole will benefit.                 value. For instance:                 to their customers will allow
               Just because a technology is off      Looking for industrial automa-       them to see in real-time what
               the shelf, doesn’t mean it is ‘stan-  tion solutions that reflect how      they’re low on, what’s in high
               dard’. Our industry is constantly     one operates: At the smaller         demand, or what’s coming up in
               evolving as new solutions are         end of the tool cutting market,      their production that will suit
               found and applied. While their        there’s a good chance one is         their requirements. This also al-
               technology development may            producing small batch lots and       lows them to explore other areas
               have been developed at the re-        changing geometry multiple           of production and manufacture
               quest of a large customer, as soon    times a day rather than leaving      tools knowing with confidence
               as it’s scalable it can be rolled     the machine running constant-        what their customers want.
               out to suit most businesses. At       ly making the same tool all day.     Everyone can afford and benefit
               ANCA, this includes many of its       In this world, innovation is of-     from existing industrial auto-
               innovations including 3D sim-         ten a secondary need to maxi-        mation solutions: Automation
               ulation software, its in-process      mizing day-to-day productivity.      can take the pain out of being
               measurement system Laser Plus,        For example, looking for solu-       a small tool shop. A new facto-
               and RoboTeach, which makes ro-        tions that allow the operator        ry of the future will be able to
               botic loaders accessible and easy     to step away from the machine        produce multiple kinds of tools
               to program.                           and carry out other tasks rather     without getting bogged down
               The addition of laser etching on      than being there all day. Auto-      in manual operations.
               a Robot loader is another exam-       mating geometry changes and          We can all benefit from stream-
               ple that has increased the func-      existing manual material man-        lining systems and processes.
               tionality of the grinding ma-         agement processes can make           What is needed is focusing on
               chine by including what would         a real change to how much            one’s specialty and leveraging
               otherwise have been additional        they can do elsewhere and help       the technology that’s already
               downstream steps in the pro-          them maximize machine up-            out there. There are better ways
               cess of making tools.                 time versus setup time. Time,        to use time. Grind the wheel,
               Vendors recognize that a small        after all, is money.                 don’t reinvent it.	
               tool manufacturer’s priority is
               maximizing his factory’s efficien-
               cy – machine uptime versus setup

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