Page 35 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 35

Source: CGTech

Having access to the free VERI-      companies work really hard and      NC program, such as erratic chip     VERICUT CNC
CUT reviewer at the machine tool     diligently optimizing programs      thickness, chip thinning and inef-   simulation
to check the simulation against      but there are opportunities and     ficient CAM paths that can all be    and
reality at any time is a huge ben-   savings to be had for all machine   resolved by optimizing feedrates.    verification
efit to both the shopfloor and pro-  shops. This is where Force and      The charts also show areas of        software
grammers as it avoids the ‘what      Force analysis charts come in.      concern, for instance where the      does a
happens next’ disturbances during                                        force exceeds what the tool is ca-   superior job
one off or first off production.     Force analysis and charts           pable of, such as excessive cutting  at finding
There is also a positive ripple      VERICUT Force recalculates          conditions or potential for chat-    problems
effect for other departments         feedrates to maintain ideal         ter, broken/chipped cutters, or      lurking in
that coordinate with program-        constant chip thickness while       damage to part of the machine. In    NC programs
ming. Engineering and design         simultaneously reducing fee-        these instances, VERICUT Force       and
can learn through verification       drates when needed to maintain      will lower the federate to keep      warning of
if parts can be manufactured or      safe cutting forces and spindle     the force under the limit of the     unexpected
if changes need to be made be-       power, and it does this for each    tool’s capability.                   machine
fore metal cutting. Planning and     tool. Force is based on calcula-    The impact of optimizing is dra-     behavior,
scheduling will have more accu-      tions and proven cutting data       matic, including reduced ma-         even those
rate cycle times and they will not   that has been gathered from         chining time and longer tool life,   occurring
have to schedule prove-out times     tooling manufacturers, material     which will help the shopfloor        between
on the machines. The quality         specifications and dyno testing.    by giving more machine capac-        multiple
control and inspection team can      It uses very specific cutting pa-   ity and maybe even postponing        set-ups.
expect higher levels of confor-      rameters, takes into consider-      the purchase a new expensive
mance and fewer issues which         ation what kind of material is be-  machine. There will be less post
makes it easier to approve parts     ing used, as well as tool type and  machine clean up because pro-
and get them delivered. These        geometry. It couples this with      duced parts will be better qual-
are all areas where VERICUT is       the cutting conditions that VERI-   ity, saving even more time per
helping save time and money.         CUT collects to give the best data  part. Programmers are going
                                     that can be used to analyze and     to benefit from having correct
Silent killers of NC                 optimize the NC program.            speeds and feeds information to
manufacturing                        Force charts visualize what is      achieve consistent machining
But there are also the hidden        happening during the machin-        results. All these positives reach
issues, inefficiencies and missed    ing process and expose areas of     all the way back to the quoting
opportunities to optimize pro-       opportunity that exist in each      and estimating and mean manu-
cesses that erode profit margins.                                        facturers can be more aggressive
Things like poor cutting meth-       Source: CGTech                      and competitive with schedules
ods, non-optimal feedrates in                                            and bids. Simulating, verifying,
new and existing NC programs,                                            and optimizing simultaneously
over- or under-utilizing cut-                                            with VERICUT Force equates to a
ters and/or machine tools, all                                           cumulative effect on process opti-
of which can be draining mon-                                            mization, resulting in significant
ey with every part made. Some                                            time and money savings.	

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