Page 45 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 45

manufacturing company in                                             Source: AgNext Technologies  accurate prices for their pro-
early 2004, he visited the local                                                                  duce and greater incentive to
mandi in Shahjahanpur, Uttar        “Our breakthrough proprietary                                 improve their farm practices         AgNext
Pradesh. What he saw there          solutions using AI, Spectral Science,                         for better quality crops. For        received
changed him immeasurably.           Computer Vision and IoT Sensing                               businesses, this technology          the Best
“I saw a farmer and his young       are changing the approach of                                  helps save money and increase        AgriTech
son come to sell their produce      agribusinesses towards procure-                               profitability because now they       Startup
on a bullock cart. I remember       ment, trade, production and                                   know what they are paying            of India
seeing the arhitiya (middle-        consumption of commodities like                               for. Finally, for consumers, we      award from
man) pushing them away say-         milk, tea, grains, animal feed and                            ensure quality by accurately         the Union
ing their produce lacks quality     spices. Further, this also helps                              ascertaining whether there are       Agriculture
after barely looking at it. For     companies to have regional and                                adulterants or not,” he explains.    Minister,
the next six days, the father       farmer-wise quality estimations, in                           Being at IIT Kharagpur incu-         Narendra
and son stood in the sun and        turn enabling companies to provide                            bation center gave the startup       Singh Tomar,
rain waiting for the arhtiya to     traceability solutions to consumers.”                         access to a significant talent       during the
buy their produce. They even-                                                                     base in the field of computer        Outlook
tually had to sell it to him at a   Taranjit Singh Bhamra                                         vision and molecular analy-          Agriculture
fraction of the cost. Seeing the    CEO & Founder                                                 sis, through which the team          Conclave
middleman break them in this        AgNext Technologies                                           was able to harness new age          & Swaraj
manner hit me hard because no                                                                     devices and artificial intelli-      Awards
technology existed to accurate-     has become a tool with which                                  gence-based methodologies to         2020.
ly ascertain the value of their                                                                   process data.
produce and a family’s liveli-      traders and middlemen exploit
hood was being determined on                                                                      Qualix – a game-changing
very dubious grounds. But I did     farmers. “Thus, they have no                                  technology
not have any money or influ-                                                                      AgNext has been a category
ence at the time to help them,”     incentive to improve their                                    innovator, providing a technol-
shares Bhamra.                                                                                    ogy platform called 'Qualix' for
                                    practice. For food processing                                 rapid commodity assessment
Addressing the issues                                                                             solutions across procurement,
By the end of 2016, AgNext          businesses, traders, and other                                trade, production, storage, and
Technologies got founded in                                                                       consumption of food and Agri
Chandigarh and the start-           allied players in agri-commod-                                value chains. The Qualix AI
up was also incubated at                                                                          engine uses spectrometry, com-
IIT-Kharagpur. AgNext has in-       ities, this is a bigger concern                               puter vision, and IoT Sensing
novated a technology platform                                                                     solutions, delivered through
for agribusinesses aiming to        because they are purchasing                                   an integrated hardware and
solve the problem of food qual-                                                                   software interface for accurate
ity to accelerate transactions      millions of tonnes from farm-                                 and instant quality analysis.
and build sustainability. Its                                                                     “Our technology has the abili-
breakthrough proprietary solu-      ers without any proper quali-                                 ty to instantly test trading and
tions using AI, Spectral Science,                                                                 safety parameters for grains,
Computer Vision, and IoT Sens-      tative assessment. Finally, for                               oilseeds, tea, spices, coffee, milk
ing are changing the approach                                                                     and animal feed, particularly
of agribusinesses towards pro-      consumers, this is obviously a                                at the procurement stage. Fur-
curement, trade, production,                                                                      ther, this also helps companies
and consumption of commod-          problem because of concerns                                   to have regional and farm-
ities like milk, tea, grains, ani-                                                                er-wise quality estimations,
mal feed and spices.                surrounding  adulteration,”                                   in turn enabling companies to
In his eyes, the biggest concern                                                                  provide traceability solutions
in Indian agriculture is the lack   points out Bhamra.                                            to consumers. Also, this en-
of trust in key transactions                                                                      ables companies to pay farmers
starting at the procurement         Such interventions have the                                   based on fair-trade practices
stage where produce is assessed                                                                   and the right quality of com-
on subjective grounds. Over the     highest propensity for absorp-                                modity they are bringing in for
years, this mode of assessment                                                                    procurement, increasing trans-
                                    tion of technology in agricul-

                                    ture value chains, and both

                                    buyers and sellers alike bene-

                                    fit by imbibing the technolo-

                                    gy. “With the right technology

                                    in place, farmers can obtain                                                                                 | 45March-April 2021
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