Page 43 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 43
our goals by being a group Compact Band Filter Source: U-Tech Group overcome this issue, we hand-
of fast-action compact units pick the talent and make them
working together in synergy,” the economy picking up, the partners whenever we start a Apart from
adds Udaya. order books are filling up. A new company.” the financial
semblance of normalcy should This has worked to a very great challenges
Pandemic challenges hopefully be seen in the com- extent for U-Tech. People who an SME fac-
Covid-19 and its subsequent ing few months.” joined the Group as engineers es, there is a
lockdowns posed a gamut of are today part owners of its challenge to
challenges for all. Udaya shares Retaining talent in SMEs companies. It is beneficial in attract and
the ones U-Tech had to deal Although the SME sector has both ways, believes Udaya, retain tal-
with and how were they coped grown dynamically over the “They, as owners, are eligible ented peo-
with, “With the seemingly in- last five decades and contrib- for profit sharing and the com- ple. Since
surmountable economic and utes a substantial portion of pany retains the talent.” SMEs cannot
social challenges, the toughest the country’s exports, creating match
we realized was the respon- millions of jobs annually, it Positive outlook packages
sibility of taking care of our still suffers from a burden Udaya staunchly believes offered by
people. Many who were tested of challenges. Udaya tells us that India has the potential to MNCs, they
positive with Covid had to be about the way U-Tech achieved become a manufacturing pow- find opportu-
provided with the necessary breakthroughs through the erhouse. However, he feels nities there
help. The office and factory re- hurdles it faced, “Apart from that those who invest and or in bigger
mained closed for long stretch- the financial challenges an take risks in setting up new industries.
es due to Covid spurts. When SME faces, the other major enterprises or scaling up their
the units opened, there was the challenge is to attract talent existing facilities should be
challenge of making everybody and retain people. Good people supported by fulfilling their re-
adhere to the pandemic proto- with talent find opportunities quirements on priority.
cols. We ensured there was no in MNCs or bigger industries. “With the production linked
spread of the disease and adapt- SMEs cannot match packag- facility announced, we are see-
ed to work from home in possi- es offered by MNCs. So, we ing several companies invest-
ble cases.” find it very difficult to get the ing in India to manufacture
And then, there was the finan- right people.” smart watches, mobile phones,
cial challenge of keeping the He adds that SMEs end up be- laptops etc. Many of them are
company afloat for months coming training centers, “We Indian companies. They are
without revenues. “Fixed costs hire people and train them for a investing in crores and employ-
could not be avoided. We en- few years. They then find jobs ing lakhs of people, which is a
sured that barring all senior in larger setups and leave. To boost to the Indian economy.
staff, everyone else got their The Government needs to sup-
salaries on time. To our re- port them to make it all work,”
lief, everyone cooperated. As he adds.
reserves were being rapidly “With the Chinese products
used up, belts needed to be taking a beating the world over,
tightened. Supplier payments countries are looking at us to
were also delayed but, luckily, fill the gap. It is a big opportu-
we found understanding there nity for India to show its man-
too,” he adds. ufacturing mettle. If not now,
The recovery phase has now when then?,” he sums up with
begun, he further adds, “With a rhetoric question.
Source: U-Tech Group
Chip Conveyor One lot of Compact Band Filters ready for Scara Chip Shredder
export to the UK
| 43March-April 2021