Page 31 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 31

Hence, the future in this sector      Source: ARAI                           Ensuring battery safety in EVs is
is going to be exciting.                                                     one of the key challenges. What
                                      “In India, the Machine Tool industry   are the standards and test pro-       The Gov-
The Indian Automotive indus-          is quite mature and robust. We ha-     cedures developed that suit the       ernment
                                      ve a strong expertise in electrical    Indian environmental conditions?      of India’s
try is based on conventional en-      systems, power electronics, and        Battery safety is of paramount        ‘Startup
                                      automation. Hence, the industry will   importance in EVs. Hence, in          India’ cam-
gines. For the large-scale adop-      be able to meet the requirements       India too, the Automotive indus-      paign has
                                      of the EV Manufacturing industry       try standards are formulated in       led to the
tion of electric vehicles, the        on the similar lines of the IC Engine  line with the latest technological    growth of
                                      Vehicles Manufacturing industry.”      developments and challenges,          the startup
entire ecosystem has to be trans-                                            international harmonized stan-        ecosystem in
                                      Dr Reji Mathai                         dards, and India-specific condi-      the country.
formed. How is ARAI helping the       Director                               tions. For example, AIS 038 Rev-2     Various
                                      The Automotive Research                for passenger cars and commer-        startups are
industry to smoothly transition       Association of India (ARAI)            cial vehicles and AIS 156 for         venturing
                                                                             two-wheelers and three-wheel-         into the
this change especially that ARAI      Kindly apprise us of the role of       ers have been formulated, which       Automotive
                                                                             comprehensively include battery       sector, par-
has set up a Centre of Excellence     TechNovuus and how it contrib-         safety in EVs.                        ticularly in
                                                                                                                   the electric
for electric mobility for the hand-   utes to help the Auto sector?          It is being strongly felt that the    mobility
                                      TechNovuus is an online plat-          Government should incentivize         domain.
holding of the vehicle manufac-       form developed by ARAI to bring        both manufacturers and consum-
                                      all the stakeholders such as vehi-     ers to shift to EVs since a support-
turers, component manufactur-         cle manufacturers, components          ing infrastructure is needed for
ers, tier I and II suppliers. Kindly  manufacturers, startups, R&D in-       their widespread adoption. Please
                                      stitutes, academia, and students       share your take on the same.
elaborate on this.                    on the same platform to address        Presently, the Government of
ARAI, with the support of the         the technological problems faced       India is implementing Phase 2
Department of Heavy Indus-            by the industry. This platform is      of FAME India scheme, which
try, has set up a dedicated test      developed under the guidance           provides incentives to the buyers
center at its Chakan campus,          and support of the Department          of EVs. Thus, it is a demand side
keeping in view the need faced        of Heavy Industry of Govern-           incentive. The Government is
by the Auto industry on the de-       ment of India. The stakeholders        also working on production
velopmental front, testing and        registered on this platform can        link incentives (PLI) scheme,
certifications of EVs and their       post their challenges/problems         which will provide supplier side
components such as motors,            and the expert community, with         incentive also. The details of PLI
batteries, chargers, etc. This        the support of the startups, R&D       scheme are still awaited.
center is operational for the last    institutes, and academia, can
two years and is providing ser-       work on solving those. TechN-          Do you think the Indian machine
vices to the industries that are      ovuus platform will go a long          tool manufacturers are enough
in the development of the entire      way in the development and             equipped with skill, knowhow,
gamut of EVs - from 2-wheelers        growth of technological innova-        and infrastructure to cater to
to buses. For a smooth tran-          tions in the Auto sector.              the requirements of the EV
sition to electric mobility, the                                             manufacturing industry?
ARAI Academy is focused on                                                   In India, the Machine Tool indus-
skill development and conducts                                               try is quite mature and robust.
domain training programs, spe-                                               We have a strong expertise in
cialized PG diploma courses, etc.                                            electrical systems, power elec-
                                                                             tronics, and automation. Hence,
ARAI has also been helping                                                   the industry will be able to meet
                                                                             the requirements of the EV Man-
startups in the EV space. How is                                             ufacturing industry on the simi-
                                                                             lar lines of the IC Engine Vehicles
that done?                                                                   Manufacturing industry.	
The Government of India’s
‘Startup India’ campaign has led
to the growth of the startup eco-
system in the country. Various
startups are venturing into the
Automotive sector, particularly
in the electric mobility domain.
Apart from providing develop-
ment and testing services, ARAI
has been going an extra mile to
handhold startups in the tech-
nology development, under-
standing of regulations, homolo-
gation process, etc.                                                            | 31March-April 2021
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