Page 36 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 36


                         TRANSFORMING FOR GROWTH

                         Digital transformation is proving itself to be highly crucial in making everyday
                         manufacturing operations faster and easier. Here’s knowing the role new-age

                         tech platforms are playing in bringing a sustainable shift in the digitization of
                         the manufacturing industry…

                                                                                                                Source: Magic Wand Media

                                igital  transformation is   the right price via a more sophis-  As a result  of increasing  inter-
                         D      revolutionizing the in-  ticated procedure. Here’s how   connection  and  intelligent  au-
                                dustry in the same way
                                                                                     tomation,  the Fourth  Industrial
                                                       new-age tech platforms are prov-
                         as the ‘Industrial Revolution’   ing instrumental in bringing a sus-  Revolution predicts  fast change
                         revolutionized manufacturing.   tainable shift in the digitization of   in  technology, industry, and  so-
                         However, manufacturing is one   the manufacturing industry.  cietal  patterns  and processes  in
                         of the industries that has been                             the twenty-first  century.  To-
                         slow to adopt digital transfor-  Industry 4.0 and the       day,  businesses  are  creating  the
                         mation at both the corporate   evolution of manu-           groundwork  for connectivity
                         and operational levels.       facturing employment          and  a single  IT/OT (information
                         Manufacturing  organizations  Manufacturers in the era of Indus-  technology  systems  with  oper-
                         are  beginning  to utilize  tech-  try 4.0 need to be knowledgeable,   ational  technology)  digital  plat-
                         nology to make the switch from   connected, flexible, and custom-  form.  Apart  from  4G/5G,  more
                         traditional  business  models  to   er-focused. Future factories must   technologies  are  now  emerging
                         futuristic ones, and we are defi-  run without a hitch, delivering   to assist Industry 4.0  work in
                         nitely seeing an uptick now. Fur-  goods on schedule, of acceptable   challenging conditions.
          DR RAUNAK BHINGE   thermore,  buyers’  expectations   quality, and with the least amount   The significance of Industry  4.0
          Founder & CEO  and the emergence of interoper-  of scrap and rework possible. Ad-  becomes  even  more  obvious
          Infinite Uptime
                         ability  and  connected platforms   ditionally, manufacturing must   against  the backdrop of  a crisis
                         are driving digitization.     provide more personalized items,   like COVID-19.  Players  using
                         The industry will continue to   affordable  rates,  and  quick  turn-  digital solutions were better po-
                         evolve in response to the issue of   around times. Since it’s a big task,   sitioned to weather the  storm
                         ensuring the delivery of appropri-  Industry 4.0 calls for cutting-edge   because they  could  move more
                         ate products to the right person at   software and technology.   quickly  and  far during  the  cri-

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