Page 40 - MMI- Aug2022
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large-tonnage presses to the   Strategies for the Indian    Following the COVID-19 pan-
                         US and China, and mid-and     market                        demic,  the  company  intends
                         small-tonnage presses to South-  SEYI has been in the Indian   to provide innovative smart
                         east Asia and India for automo-  market for a very long time.   manufacturing solutions based
                         tive applications.            “Last year, we had an excellent   on the rapid development of
                         “We can say that this relates   performance in India, thanks to   AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing,
                         to the division of labor in    the economic recovery in the   the Internet of Things (IoT), and
                         the global automotive supply   post-pandemic era. SEYI will   5G communication.
                         chain,” claims  Lee. “Large met-  continue to work with our local
                         al parts, such as body shells   partners and directly commu-  Smart machines and
                         and frames, are produced close   nicate  with  the  end  customers   management
                         to the assembly plants, while   for detailed product promo-  The company has introduced
                         smaller auto  parts  such  as fil-  tion,” Lee confirms.    its own intelligent HMI iCube
                         ters or brake disks are produced   He adds, “Again, we think the   with an intuitive and us-
                         in Southeast Asia.”           challenges faced by EV-relat-  er-friendly graphical design
                         The company’s customers include   ed suppliers in other countries   interface to add intelligent
                         Maruti Suzuki and Tier 1 automo-  will be the same as those of In-  functionality to the standard
                         tive suppliers. Its agents in India   dian suppliers. We can use our   features  of  Fanuc,  Siemens,
           The com-      are AY Enterprises for Chennai,   experiences based on past suc-  and Heidenhain controllers,
           customers     Tamil Nadu; Sakar Engineers for   cess cases and share them with   providing customers with an
           include       Mumbai, Maharashtra, and Guja-  the local customers. This can   enhanced and efficient operat-
           Maruti        rat; and Goodwill Imex for Banga-  eliminate their concerns when   ing experience.
           Suzuki and    lore, Karnataka, and Delhi.   implementing a new technolo-  “The smart functions are em-
           Tier 1                                      gy such as servo presses.”    bedded in the software for YCM
           suppliers.    Reducing carbon footprint                                   machines to allow machines to
           Its agents in   Compared to traditional press-  Yeong Chin Machinery      rough  machine  faster  while
           India are AY   es, SEYI’s servo presses use a   Industries Co, Ltd (YCM)  providing  improved  profile
           Enterprises   direct-drive design without   Founded in 1954, Yeong Chin   accuracy during the finishing
           for Chen-     flywheels  and  a  deceleration   Machinery Industries Co, Ltd   process,” explains Wu. “YCM
           nai, Tamil
           Nadu; Sakar   mechanic, thus reaching better   (YCM) specializes in machine   also provides value-added anal-
           Engineers     accuracy and energy efficiency.   tool  manufacturing.  Its  ma-  ysis of the machining process to
           for Mumbai,   “Unnecessary press movement   chine tools have been recog-  optimize the machining param-
           Maharash-     can be eliminated, the produc-  nized worldwide for superior   eters to achieve faster machin-
           tra, and      tion output can be doubled,   precision, outstanding rigidity,   ing with better surface finish
           Gujarat; and
           Goodwill      and up to 50 percent of electri-  and exceptional reliability.   and tool life.”
           Imex for      cal power consumption can be
           Bangalore,    saved,” says Lee.             Smart manufacturing           Intelligent, flexible
           Karnataka,    SEYI’s servo presses do not re-  solutions                  manufacturing cell
           and Delhi.    quire water cooling systems   “With over 70 different prod-  Equipped  with  a   robot,
                         to sustain servo motor perfor-  uct models and nearly 70 years   UV650-FlexCell offers auto-
                         mance because the  motor de-  of machine tool manufactur-   matic side loading and unload-
                         sign is based on the concept   ing experience, the compa-   ing from part storage to the
                         of high efficiency. “Only a fan-  ny’s YCMPS product model    machine. The advanced UV650
                         cooled system is sufficient, lead-  promises ‘sustainable devel-  5-axis vertical machining cen-
                         ing  to a more energy-efficient,   opment’, allowing YCM to    ter provides excellent cutting
                         space-saving, and economical   become the best machine tool   performance and high accuracy
                         choice for metal stampers,” he   manufacturer in the world,”   for simultaneous 5-axis appli-
                         adds. “Meanwhile, the noise val-  says Hank Wu, Sales Engineer,   cations with just one setup. De-
                         ue of a SEYI’s servo press is re-  YCM. “YCMPS, based on the   signed to reduce part handling,
                         duced  by  30  percent  compared   Toyota Production System (TPS)   setup, and overall lead-time,
                         with a traditional mechanical   and lean management con-    it also improves part quality,
                         press.”  In  addition,  SEYI's  Smart   cepts, is motivated to produce   precision, and surface finish of
                         Press Solution deploys small but   equipment from metal casting   complex  shapes  and  contours
                         accurate sensors to monitor ma-  to machining, assembly, quality   required for multiple industries
                         chine status in real-time, reduc-  control, packaging, and all the   such as job shop, medical, aero-
                         ing unexpected downtime.      way to shipping.”             space, and die & mold.

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