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Users found the application in-
Challenge tuitive and easy to adopt. “They
Safran Transmission Systems can rapidly find the information
sought to increase program they need. We easily made only
efficiencies and reduce support minor adjustments so that the
of multiple software systems. interface reflects our internal
Solution processes and the way our engi-
neers work,” Dion said.
The company chose Dassault More than 400 users in France,
Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Poland, Germany and England ac-
platform including the Co-Design Source: Dassault Systèmes’
to Target industry solution cess the platform and use Co-De-
experience to deliver digital sign to Target. “The 3DEXPERI-
continuity across all product- “The 3DEXPERIENCE platform ENCE platform supports all our
actively contributes to helping us
related departments. work towards a goal we hold dear: company processes,” Salini said.
zero defect design.”
Hélène Moreau-Leroy Digital continuity drives
taken into account by all project CEO efficiency
actors. “Developing a power trans- Safran Transmission Systems Safran Transmission Systems is
mission system requires managing undergoing a digital transforma-
a huge volume of data,” Michel Using the Accenture Product tion and the first step is to ratio-
Dion, responsible for configura- Lifecycle Services Agile Meth- nalize its information systems.
tion management, said. odology, the combined team of 3DEXPERIENCE plays a major
“At the configuration manage- Accenture and Dassault Sys- role in this transformation. “The Safran
ment division, we are responsi- tèmes’ Industry Services work- platform is not simply another Trans-
ble for the airworthiness of our ing closely with Safran Trans- system in our IT environment,” mission
products. It is, therefore, our job mission Systems ensured the Charles Manin, CIO, Safran Trans- Systems
to make sure that every project timely and successful systems mission Systems, said. “It enables has record-
ed 30%
stakeholder works on a single integration of the Co-Design to us to replace a number of outdated productivity
product reference with reliable, Target industry solution. “Their or independent applications that gains on
up-to-date data that complies with proactive support enabled a operated in silos with an integrat- configura-
the requirements of our external smooth and rapid deployment ed system that provides us with a tion control
and internal customers,” he said. throughout the group,” Salini global, unified view of our group’s tasks using
the 3DEX-
Safran Transmission Systems se- said. “They not only implement- activities. For example, in the past PERIENCE
lected the 3DEXPERIENCE plat- ed the solution but they also we had CATIA on one side and platform.
form and its Co-Design to Target trained our engineers to use and our old PLM system on the oth-
industry solution experience as to maintain the system.” er. Today, our CATIA V5 data is
the company’s digital platform To keep deployment costs and naturally linked to, and managed
to manage all data and processes schedules in check, Safran Trans- by, ENOVIA V6, thanks to this
across its subsidiaries and with mission Systems wanted to use the unified platform. The 3DEXPERI-
its partners. “With Co-Design standard version of Co-Design to ENCE platform gi ves us the digital
to Target, we can coordinate all Target as much as possible. “From continuity we need to be more ef-
our activities with our suppliers the beginning, we wanted to limit ficient and productive. This digital
and with the people working in the number of specific develop- continuity greatly reduces main-
methods, product development, ments to those that were absolute- tenance costs by limiting exten-
and testing to trace their progress ly necessary,” Raoul said. “When sive customization or additional
throughout a project,” Laurent we consulted our engineers to ask developments to bridge indepen-
Raoul, CTO, Safran Transmission them what features they want- dent software together or to con-
Systems, said. “Co-Design to Tar- ed to see installed, it turned out vert data back and forth, which
get provides our product develop- that most of their requirements not only complicates development
ment stakeholders with real-time were met by the out-of-the-box but proves complex and costly to
access to the most up-to-date and version of Co-Design to Target. maintain over time.”
compatible information enabling The ratio we finally achieved is 16 “Until now,” Jean-Philippe Salini
multi-disciplinary collaboration percent specific developments and added, “we had the digital mock-
that improves the efficiency of 84 percent standard, which illus- up in a separate system, but with
our design and engineering pro- trates that the solution is already the 3DEXPERIENCE platform,
grams,” Salini added. well-suited to our industry.” the digital mock-up is linked to
July-August 2021 | 35