Page 39 - MMI_-- JulyAug2021 (single)
P. 39
Busting myths of applications. gentle product handling, accu-
There are a lot of myths revolv- Collaborative robots like MEL- racy, quiet operation, improved
ing around industrial robots. FA ASSISTA have a wide range efficiency, and flexibility.
One among them is that with of uses including handling com-
the penetration of robots in in- ponents, doing assembly jobs Easy to train
dustries, humans will tend to offering a variety of finishes, Some robots may need pro-
lose their jobs. People need to applying sealant or glue, and a gramming while others do not
understand the fact that they lot more. They are used in load require any programming at
can never become complete- building (at a production line’s all. For instance, MELFA AS-
ly redundant as these robots end where they assemble a pal- SISTA can be programmed us-
may be highly efficient but are let load of products), quality ing a tablet with simple point
still limited in numerous ways. control (inspecting and testing teaching. One just needs to
While these machines are get- procedure involving deploy- teach the moving points to AS-
ting smarter, manpower is still ment of robots for repetitive SISTA and consider the work
needed to work around them to work), transportation (load pal- done. The user can simulate
operate, monitor, and synchro- lets before shipping), and ware- the movement before actually
nize many processes. We hu- housing (for carrying out the transferring it to the Cobot for Simpler,
mans need to spend more pro- removal of received products confirmations. Alternately, he easier, and
ductive time in planning and from pallets and then routing can hand guide ASSISTA to the flexible
doing smart work, while the them to a facility’s storage lo- points and can directly teach to use,
robots can continue to work on cation). In addition to this, they with a teaching panel available Collabora-
repetitive and fatigue jobs. are also widely used in Food on the Cobot arm, eliminating tive Robots
and Pharma industries for han- the need for any complex pro- or Cobots
Cobots are workspace dling pick-and-place jobs. gramming and software. are de-
signed to be
partners MELFA FR series industrial Industrial robots are the fu- workspace
Nowadays, with the technolo- robots come with a Robot con- ture of Indian manufacturing, partners.
gy getting upgraded day by day, trol, which is a combination where factories will have zero They are
we have a new industrial robot, of all the technologies requi- labor fatigue, zero accidents, safe, require
a game-changer in this space - red to control an industrial and improved quality and pro- minimal or
Collaborative Robot, popularly robot’s electromechanical sys- ductivity with the help of an no pro-
known as ‘Cobot’. Simpler, eas- tem. A Programmable Auto- efficient synchronization be- gramming,
ier, and flexible to use, Cobots mation Controller (PAC), Pro- tween man and machine. If and allow
are designed to be workspace grammable Logic Controller used correctly with complete hassle-free
partners. They are safe, require (PLC), Embedded Controller, PC, shop-floor data integration, this connectiv-
minimal or no programming, Industrial PC (IPC), or Motion technology can put India on the ity which
and allow hassle-free connec- Controller can be used for robot world map of manufacturing makes them
an excellent
tivity which makes them an ex- control. The industrial robot al- and establish India as a manu- option for a
cellent option for a wide range lows various benefits including facturing hub for the world. wide range
of applica-
Source: Magic Wand Media
July-August 2021 | 39
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