Page 38 - MMI_-- JulyAug2021 (single)
P. 38



                         Industrial robots are the future of Indian manufacturing, where factories will have
                         zero labor fatigue, zero accidents, and improved quality and productivity with the
                         help of an efficient synchronization between man and machine.

                                                                                                                Source: Magic Wand Media

                                obots have revolution-  facturing is becoming a norm.   process, accuracy, and flexibil-
                         R      ized the way people    These industrial robots help in   ity. They have real solutions to

                                                       doing hazardous and repetitive
                                                                                     help people with more complex
                                used  to look  at their
                         processes. In the 20  century, ro-  tasks which ensures that the   tasks like welding, painting, lift-
                         bots were big machines with au-  manpower on shopfloors is safe   ing, moving heavy items, and
                         tomation.  Now they  are being   and can operate and synchro-  high-precision pick-and-place
                         used  in varied applications  in   nize  with  machines,  thereby   applications. The first phase of
          ATUL PATIL     sectors ranging from Healthcare   delivering precise, consistent,   this revolution brought electric
          Asst. General Manager   to  Outer  Space. Industrial  robot   and efficient output.  machines that performed re-
          Marketing Department
          Factory Automation &   technology  is  gaining  momen-                     petitive tasks without fatigue.
          Industrial Division   tum  like  never before  and  has                    These robots were used in the
          Mitsubishi Electric India                    Robots and applications
                         evolved to new concepts of man   There are numerous ways in   Automobile industry and other
                         and machine co-existence.     which a robot can be used for   similar applications. The sec-
                         For achieving maximum effi-   industrialization purposes. Cat-  ond phase brought industrial
                         ciency, safety, and competitive   egorized differently according   robots that besides performing
                         advantage in the market, ro-  to industries and applications,   basic tasks also absorbed data
                         bot-driven automated manu-    these robots vary in volume,   to evolve and become better.

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