Page 31 - MMI_-- JulyAug2021 (single)
P. 31

Collins Aero-
                                                                                                    space has an
                                                                                                    active en-
                                                                                                 Source: Collins Aerospace  (EH&S)
                                                                                                    and safety
                                                                                                    strategy to
                                                                                                    ensure that
                                                                                                    its employ-
                                                                                                    ees are well
          impacted the most. However,   Collins Aerospace’s CSR Initia-  CSR  projects  related  to  educa-  protected
          we have been committed to     tive of sponsoring digital learn-  tion, skills development, rural   during this
          delivering on our projects in   ing platform eBridgeNow to help   development and environmen-  time. The
          India  and  globally.  In  terms  of   aerospace and healthcare profes-  tal conservation.   company has
          the supply chain, we have add-  sionals upskill is laudable. How is   One such recent initiative is the   multiple
          ed more time for transit and   that coming along?           St. Theresa’s Grace Hospital proj-  vaccination
          have been closely monitoring   eBridgeNow offers end-to-end   ect. In response to the humani-  drives in Hy-
          all shipments through various   lifecycle management of training   tarian  crisis,  Collins  Aerospace   derabad and
          milestones on daily basis.    online. Built on open source and   Corporate Social Responsibility   Bengaluru
          In addition, we have an ac-   cloud-first technologies, the plat-  (CSR)  team,  in  partnership  with   for its em-
          tive  environment,  health,  and   form enables corporates and edu-  United Way Bengaluru (NGO),   ployees and
          safety  (EH&S)  strategy  to  en-  cational institutions to seamlessly   has constructed the St. Theresa’s   their family
          sure that our employees are   adapt to the changing needs of   Grace Hospital. The hospital  can   members to
          well protected during this    skill development.            accommodate 22 patients with all   help protect
          time.  We have conducted      Collins Aerospace sponsored the   facilities including oxygen lines.   its campus.
          multiple vaccination drives   project that includes the develop-  It will provide free treatment to
          in Hyderabad and Bengal-      ment of a comprehensive digital   1,000 to 1,200 destitute annually.
          uru for our employees and     platform and delivery of employ-  We have also initiated the
          their family members to help   ment-based skilling programs in   Integrated Rural Development
          protect our campus.           the Aerospace and the Healthcare   (IRD) Project in Bengaluru. The
          Recently, Raytheon Technol-   sectors along with the creation of   project is aimed at the holistic
          ogies (RTX), through its com-  digital content. The project will   development of communities
          panies Collins Aerospace and   provide scholarships to econom-  around  Collins  Aerospace’s
          Pratt & Whitney, donated four   ically disadvantaged individuals   manufacturing unit in Deva-
          OxyTrucks to Indian Red Cross.   to enroll in employment-based   nahalli. Twenty villages will be
          The trucks can help to transport   skilling programs to 50 candidates   supported with education, skill
          oxygen to remote locations.    in the Aerospace and 320 candi-  development,  solar  electrifica-
          We are doing our best to sup-  dates in the Healthcare sector.   tion,  and  watershed  initiatives
          port the country in this chal-  Over the last two years, Collins   to positively impact 21,000 peo-
          lenging situation.            Aerospace has completed 15    ple from the locality.

          Disclaimer: The quality of images is hampered due to limitation in procuring high resolution images.

                                                                                             July-August 2021 |  31

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