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P. 40
Everyone involved with CNC machining understands the importance of
checking and verifying the machining process before applying a cutting tool
to the raw material. Below are reasons why independent G-Code verification
software such as VERICUT from CGTech makes for an ideal choice.
Source: CGTech
ith so much at stake, fore applying a cutting tool to the block to make sure there are no
W including the value of raw material, you should consid- errors in the program. The ma-
chine is held up, production time
er what are you really checking?
the raw or partially
completed material, the cutting More importantly what are you is occupied and the chances of
tools and workholding systems, missing? missing an error that could ul-
as well as the structural integrity With multiple lines of code NC, timately result in a very costly
of the machine tool itself, any NC program errors are a common crash are extremely high, espe-
programming errors will always cause of machine crashes, and cially on complex multi-axis ma-
prove to be costly. Alongside the the two main sources of errors chining systems.
potential damage to your produc- are programmer mistakes (we An alternative to the manual
tion capacity there is the prospect are only human) and errors prove-out is to apply CAM simu-
of negatively harming the reputa- introduced by the CAM system’s lation and verification software.
tion of your business. post-processor. Many CAM packages will accu-
While everyone involved with For programmers and machin- rately simulate machine motion
CNC machining understands the ists, the task of manually prov- and are often used to give feed-
importance of checking and ver- ing out a process can be slow back about the overall machin-
Source: CGTech ifying the machining process be- – checking line by line, block by ing process. However, despite
40 | July-August 2021 Modern Manufacturing India