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any workstation for their daily
operations and not follow a set “The Government of India has
rotation schedule. This allowed been focusing a lot on infrastruc-
the passengers for faster check- ture development and we look
forward to continued contributi-
in to the aeroplane. on to this growth. This includes
The implementation of Collins’ areas such as the connected
solutions helped Indira Gand- aviation ecosystem and the
hi International Airport (IGIA), modern battlefield through
collaborations and partnerships
T1D handle its capacity issues, with local MSMEs.”
reducing processing time as well Parag Wadhawan
as decreasing passenger frustra- Managing Director & Site Lead
tion and airport congestion. In Collins Aerospace
addition, Collins’ commitment
Collins to training, support, and col-
has been
building the laboration across all relevant You are among the first Indian
Indian R&D stakeholders made the imple- entities to domestically pro-
ecosystem mentation of the new systems duce and export an aviation
through the seamless. The positive results product to the US. In addition,
introduction led the two organizations to ex- you have successfully designed,
of new tech- tend their collaboration to IGIA developed, and qualified the
nologies. Terminal 3 (T3). power door opening system
Together the We also have a focus on touch- for Airbus and Bombardier
India team less airports and have intro- C-series at your Bengaluru
has pro- duced several products that fa- facility. What other innovations
duced over cilitate safe travel. Our ARINC are in the offing and what is
235 patents
that cover SelfPass™ system provides pas- your take on the government
inventions sengers’ contactless journeys policies for the sector? The year 2020 was an unprec-
across all through the use of a single to- The Government of India has edented phase in the Manu-
Collins SBUs ken ID driven by secure bio- been focusing a lot on infra- facturing industry worldwide.
and disci- metrics. Check-in, immigration structure development and we What are the challenges that
plines. This and security, lounge access, and look forward to continued con- you faced in the supply chain
includes the boarding are some of the plac- tribution to this growth. This and what were the measures
successful es where SelfPass can be used. includes areas such as the con- resorted to for maintaining a
designing, Each step may be completed in nected aviation ecosystem and smooth flow?
developing, a few seconds, and no tradition- the modern battlefield through Collins Aerospace, like sever-
and quali- al boarding and identification collaborations and partnerships al companies, not just in India
fying of the
power door paperwork is required. Passen- with local MSMEs. but across the world has been
opening sys- gers merely go up to the camera We are also closely studying the affected by the pandemic. The
tem for the and have their faces matched new policies to seek out partner- commercial aviation business,
A320neo and against the biometrics database, ship opportunities to grow Collins which makes up a large part of
Bombardier after that they can proceed. Aerospace’s businesses in India. our business in India has been
C-series at
the Bengalu-
ru facility.
Source: Collins Aerospace
30 | July-August 2021 Modern Manufacturing India