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If  this  is  done  incorrectly then   research by Euromonitor Inter-  they  buy  by 50 percent.  When
          layers  of the  composite  materi-  national, around 50 percent of   Sandvik  Coromant  supplies  a
          al peel away  from where they   companies plan to reshape their   drill to its customers, it must be
          belong.  This  is known  as  de-  digital strategies. One-third of re-  able  to guarantee  that the  drill
          lamination which, according  to    spondents in Euromonitor’s Voice   will last for a predictable num-
          Sandvik  Coromant’s  customers,   of the Industry survey 2020 said   ber of minutes, whatever the cir-
          is  the  most  limiting  factor  in   they will accelerate investments   cumstances — every time!
          their production.             into automation tools — so, those
          Delamination affects hole quality   holes need to be made correctly in   Better by design
          and repeatability, the quality and   unmanned lights-out scenarios.  That’s why Sandvik Coromant
          integrity of the final product and   Therefore, manufacturers need   developed  its  CoroDrill   863-O
          manufacturers’ profits. Integrity   to  keep  rethinking  how  they  go   high-performance drill for com-
          tops it all because better hole qual-  about drilling composites.  posites, including carbon fiber
          ity is vital for preventing compo-                          reinforced (CFRP) and glass fiber
          nent failure and is very much de-  Predictable wear         reinforced (GFRP) materials. The
          termined by the manufacturing   It is established that hole surface   drill has been designed with a fo-
          processes that are used for ma-  integrity  is  a real  concern  for   cus on industries that make wide
          chining or finishing the holes.   aerospace  manufacturers.  But,   use of composite materials and de-
          The amount  of heat generated   what role  can  tools  play in  ad-  mand more feet of material drilled
          during composite machining also   dressing  these concerns  — and   per tool — like the Aerospace in-
          becomes significant. The materi-  how can a better drill benefit an   dustry, which uses composite ma-
          al’s poor heat conduction and the   automation strategy?    terials for manufacturing aircraft   Machining
          absence of chips pose risk to the   First, let’s look at the  ideal  that   frames and other parts.  composite
          resin that holds the material’s fi-  manufacturers  are striving  for.   To develop the CD863-O tool, the   materials —
          bers together. In other words, the   They want holes that are of good   O represents composite-only ap-  that combine
          machining of composites illumi-  quality, consistent and  repeat-  plications, the first thing we did   two or more
          nates  weakness in  the  machin-  able. Of course, any tool will   was apply it to the material in   materials
                                                                                                    with differ-
          ing process that might otherwise   wear  out eventually,  but this   aerospace that is most prone to   ent physical
          be overlooked.                wear must be consistent and pre-  delamination. Specifically, unidi-  and chemical
          These weaknesses are empha-   dictable from tool-to-tool.   rectional laminate with no peel-  properties
          sized by the growing range, and   The importance of predict-  ply or woven back, which is most   — involves
          unpredictability, of composite   able wear  can’t be emphasized   commonly used in aerospace   cutting, or
          materials available in the market.   enough.  Usually, a CNC  will be   wings and fuselage. We digitally   of the fiber
          This makes competitive machin-  programmed to pull out the tool   mapped  the  delamination  to  de-  part of the
          ing a challenge.              at the point of failure. So, if the   termine exactly how much de-  material.
          Why is this being mentioned now?   lifecycle of the drill is not consis-  lamination we experienced over
          Well, hole quality is now arguably   tent then,  in a terrible-but-real-  the life of the tools.
          more important than ever in the   istic  scenario,  one  could  cut the   The computer system was set with
          era of COVID-19. According to   tool life of most of the products   very tight tolerances, meaning the
                                                                      amount of delamination we’d ac-
                                                                      cept in any given hole. From the
                                                                      resulting data, we could optimize
                                                                      essential aspects of the drill’s de-
                                                                      sign, like the angle of the helix —
                                                                      or the spiral groove around the
                                                                      drill. A higher helix benefits chip
                                                                      evacuation, so can help reduce de-
                                                                      lamination on the exit side. In con-
                                                                      trast, too high a helix can separate
                                                                      layers in the composite material
                                                                      on the entry side. Either way, this
          Source: Sandvik Coromant                                    can result in layers or fibers over-
                                                                      hanging the hole.
                                                                      Other key  features of the
          Tools like the CoroDrill  863-O drill can help manufacturers fully automate their processes.  CD863-O are its profile and grade.
                                                                      Composite materials are not ho-

                                                                                        September-October 2021 |  39

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