Page 42 - MMI-SeptOct2021 SM upload
P. 42

The sys-
           tems of the
           ing Eplan                                                                                            Source: Eplan
           2022, in      The new Eplan Platform 2022 with a completely redesigned user interface: the practical ribbon bars using modern technology flexibly adapt to
           combination   the application.
           with the new
           Eplan eMa-
           nage cloud    in the form of a 3D assembly   stations along the value chain.  A ‘data container’ as
           service,      of the control cabinet using   Often, all the project partici-  the central source of
           network       Eplan Pro Panel. The control   pants are working with partial-  information
           together      cabinet is then built, approved   ly inconsistent data, which ends   This is where Eplan comes in:
           machine       and commissioned by the oper-  up making the process even   the systems of the upcoming
           and system    ator. With the delivery of the   more time consuming and error   Eplan  Platform  2022,  in  com-
           integrators,   switchgear system, the control   prone. For instance, the drive   bination with the new Eplan
           control       cabinet manufacturer process-  power of a motor is changed   eManage cloud service, net-
           cabinet man-  es are complete.              at some later point in a project,   work together machine build-
           ufacturers,   The  company  hands  over  the   but this change isn’t taken into   ers and system integrators,
           manufactur-   Eplan Project, which has been   account  when  the  machine  or   control cabinet manufacturers,
           ers and the   enriched with data, back to   plant system is commissioned.   component manufacturers and
           operators     the machine builder or system   As a result, the documentation   the operators  of machines or
           of machines   integrator, who then commis-  is not up to date.            plant systems.
           or plant      sions the machine or plant sys-
                         tem based on the final project
                         data. The project is then made
                         available to the operator, who
                         can access the current docu-
                         mentation, for instance using
                         Eplan eView, in the event that
                         servicing  or  maintenance  be-
                         comes necessary, and who can
                         digitally document any chang-
                         es using the redlining function
                         as needed.
                         This process describes the daily
                         work in this ecosystem of in-
                         dustrial automation. The chal-                                                         Source: Eplan
                         lenge, however, is that all the
                         data for an automation project   An important building block is device data, which is provided on the Eplan Data Portal. What matters
                         is created and added at various   here is the quality and depth of the data, something being intensively advanced with the Data Standard.

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