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P. 40

Source: Sandvik Coromant

           The Coro-
           Drill® 863-O
           has been      mogenous, and the appearance of   So, the CVD grade is preferable   chined with a 863-O drill with a
           designed      any new material on a production   where  hole  count  is  high  and   cutting diameter (DC) of 6.37 mm
           with a focus   run presents unique challenges;   higher productivity is required.  (0.25 inch). Secondly, with a DC of
           on industries   its own thickness, type of compo-                         4.85 mm (0.191 inch).
           that make     sition and so on. The CD863-O’s                             In both sets and with all tools,
           wide use of                                 Well-equipped robots and
           composite     superior features are designed to   field testing           the CD863-O showed excellent
           materials     tackle any material.          The wider CoroDrill 863 family is   results. 400 holes were drilled in
           and demand    Then there is the issue of grade.   already benefitting manufactur-  the carbon fiber at a DC of 6.37
           more feet     Carbide drills are well suited to   ers’ automated production setups   mm  (0.25  inch)  and  560  holes  at
           of materi-    machining aerospace compo-    — both in CNCs and robots on the   4.85 mm (0.191 inch), even still at
           al drilled
           per tool      nents because carbide strength-  production line. Because it’s avail-  an early stage in their tool life the
           — like the    ens the tool through the cutting   able  in  carbide,  polycrystalline   results matched laboratory test-
           Aerospace     geometry and the shank. This   diamond (PCD) and CVD coated   ing remarkably well.
           industry,     optimizes the cutting action and   options, the drill can be left to ma-  Using Sandvik Coromant’s Ca-
           which uses    maximizes clearance and materi-  chine all kinds of difficult materi-  pacity Data Management system,
           materials for   al evacuation. However, because   al types — composites, aluminum,   which is a system for predicting
           manufactur-   of the abrasive nature of compos-  titanium, heat resistant super al-  and  forecasting  tool  life  for  our
           ing aircraft   ites, carbide also wears quickly.   loys and stainless steels — in un-  customers, we accurately esti-
           frames and    This is problematic, especially in   manned or lights-out processes.  mated a safe tool life. Overall, this
           other parts.  automated production setups.  Once out of the laboratory, the   demonstrates the product’s capa-
                         To overcome  this,  the  CD863-O   performance of the CD863-O was   bilities in providing excellent tool
                         has  Chemical  Vapor Deposi-  put to the test by drilling holes   life, reduced tool changes, and re-
                         tion  (CVD) technology. CVD  is   into a carbon fiber workpiece.   peatable and reliable performance
                         a very hard tool material that is   Carbon fiber is a popular choice of   in  composite  machining.  Impor-
                         ideal  for machining  composites   material in aerospace applications   tantly, all of the holes had low lev-
                         and stacked materials. Applying   as engineers look to make lighter   els of delamination upon entry, or
                         CVD layers across the entire cut-  aircraft structures, thanks to the   exit, throughout both test runs.
                         ting  edge  can  give much  longer   material’s superior strength-to-  So, it’s clear that dedicated cut-
                         tool  life  and,  due to CVD’s low   weight ratio.          ting tools are critical to achieving
                         coefficient  of  friction  and  high   A component with an average   success in holemaking — espe-
                         conductivity  of heat,  the  tool’s   thickness of 0.25 inches was sub-  cially in components made from
                         cutting edges are less susceptible   jected to two sets of drilling with   composite or stacked materials.
                         to built-up edge (BUE). Since CVD   a CD863-O geometry, which uses   Tools like the CD863-O drill can
                         remains sharp, this removes heat   our own variant of CVD called   also play a crucial role in helping
                         and  has  low friction  and  mini-  O1AD for improved wear resis-  companies fully automate their
                         mizes the tendency for problems   tance  in  composite  materials.   processes, even when machining
                         in holes.                     First, the workpiece was ma-  tough composite materials.

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