Page 46 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
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that Jalaj  Dani  invested  money                           “Our ability to combine traditional
                         in Addverb in his personal capac-                           or fixed and flexible automation is
                         ity, not on behalf of Asian Paints,”                        a  unique  feature,  which,  coupled
                         Kumar informs.                                              with our in-house state-of-the-art
                                                                                     manufacturing capabilities,  gives
                         Expanding amid competition                                  us the flexibility to provide inno-
                         Kumar believes that Indian com-                             vative solutions,” he states.
                         panies  have  not really embraced
                         technology for their supply chain                        Source: Addverb Technologies  Automation in the time
                         and  not automated  their oper-                             of COVID
                         ations  fully: “When  we  started,                          The  global  pandemic  has
                         there were only a handful of au-                            changed  many things. Compa-
                         tomation  players. All were  for-                           nies  are  constrained  by inade-
                         eign players including American,   automation. As  Indian  compa-  quate  manpower availability to
                         Japanese, Korean, Italian, German   nies  are  scaling up,  they are  re-  manage  their warehousing op-
                         and  British. But their products  alizing the  need  for automation.  erations since many people have
                         were  typically not accustomed  At Addverb, we offer automation   left for their hometowns due to
                         to the Indian conditions and had   solutions  that are  flexible  and  lockdowns. To maintain  ade-
                         little scope for any customization   affordable, leading to their wide-  quate  social distancing and  en-
                         as per the business requirements   scale adoption,” he adds. The com-  sure that their products are not
           “The robotics   and operations in India, thus lead-  pany has since been able to build   touched by many people during
           and ware-     ing to a considerable ramp-up and   a  world-class  team  of engineers  warehousing operations, goods-
           house auto-   commissioning time.”          and  has  bagged  more  than  100  to-person  technologies  such  as
           mation field   This  limited  the  adoption  of au-  customers,  including the  likes  of  mobile  robots  and  carton  shut-
           has got a     tomated  solutions  to a  few large  HUL,  Marico,  Reliance,  Flipkart,  tle robots have been picking up.
           push due to   companies. These  large  compa-  and Amazon.                These  technologies  ensure  fast,
           COVID-19.     nies  were also reluctant to try  Addverb is now looking forward   productive,  and  reliable  ware-
           In India      out new solutions since they had   to expanding across  the  globe,  housing operations.
           alone, the    faced  challenges  from  the  al-  especially South  East Asia,  the  Another  factor is  the  rise  of mi-
           warehouse     ready installed solutions. Also, as   US,  Europe,  and  Australia. It has  cro fulfillment centers  (MFCs),
           market will   these  solutions  were  expensive,  established  offices  in  Singapore,  which  are  sprouting across  the
           be worth      small and  medium  companies  Australia,  and  the  Netherlands,  country to ensure  low-cost,  last-
           more than     could not afford them.        already deployed  its  solutions  in  mile delivery of orders. MFCs can
           `10,000       He shares that the company’s ini-  projects  located  in  Hong Kong  achieve  their performance  ex-
           crore in      tial days were filled with endless   and  Singapore  and  is  currently  pectations  through  manual and
           the next
           five years.”  sessions with its customers. “Our   working on a project in Australia.   automated solutions.
                         approach has been to educate the   It is soon to open an office in the   “The  robotics  and  warehouse
                         customer about the  benefits  of  US too.                   automation  field  has  got a  tre-
                                                                                     mendous push due to COVID-19.
                                                                                     In  India  alone,  the  warehouse
                                                                                     automation  market  will  be
                                                                                     worth  more  than  `10,000  crore
                                                                                     in  the  next five  years. The  ma-
                                                                                     jor players  in  the  global market
                                                                                     are  Knapp,  Dematic,  Intelligrat-
                                                                                     ed,  Vanderlande,  Daifuku,  and
                                                                                     Schaeffer,  to name  a  few. How-
                                                                                     ever,  we  have  a  wider product
                                                                                     portfolio than  our global peers,
                                                                                     and  our software  suite  is  more
                                                                                     powerful,” Kumar shares.
                         Source: Addverb Technologies                                “Our want to extend  robotics  to
                                                                                         journey till now has
                                                                                     highly exciting and
                                                                                     other industry verticals
                                                                                     he adds summing up.

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