Page 20 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
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The manufacturing sector in India has been going through some massive
transformations with the key focus on data-driven process designs to help address
the productivity, efficiency, and quality gaps. Here’s knowing more about it.
Source: IDC
T hough around conversa- The common perception has operational visibility and en-
to invest in
terprise performance.
transformations (DX) that can help digitalize pro-
have been going on for a while, cesses but what organizations Fostering digital resilience
it was in the last 18 months that do not account for are the 'soft According to a recent survey
the investments hit an inflec- costs' that are associated with conducted by IDC Asia/Pacific
tion point. According to IDC's fixing the existing gaps. The Manufacturing Insights, ‘Im-
Asia/Pacific Manufacturing In- most important aspect of the proving the resiliency of busi-
sights Survey 2021, a majority of solutioning is the creation of a ness and operating models to
the Indian manufacturers high- baseline model that accurate- reduce uncertainty and opera-
lighted the need for new reve- ly identifies and estimates the tional risk’ is one of the top five
nue streams along with product perceived benefits. priorities for Indian manufac-
innovations as an immediate The lead visual is an indicative turers in the next 2 to 3 years.
VENKATASWAMY priority to tackle the volatile and generic plot of how or- The finding also highlights
Senior Research Manager the need for technology appli-
Manufacturing Insights market conditions. Additional- ganizations view their opera-
IDC Asia/Pacific ly, new challenges in the form of tional readiness. The intention cations and data streams that
remote access and monitoring is to reach the far-right cor- allow organizations to have
need to be added to the opera- ner, which would be possible increased visibility of possible
tional complexity. Though a through a set of process reengi- impediments or bottlenecks.
cliché, the end objective was neering drives and relevant Several organizations invest
clear - stay agile and build technology implementation in- in ‘what-if’ scenario simula-
in/enable operational resiliency. vestments that allow improved tions coupled with contingency
20 | November-December 2021 Modern Manufacturing India