Page 16 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
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their less eco-conscious competi- impetus that can help provide a
tors. Leveraging technology and variable cost structure, enhance
innovation to ensure a lean and agility, and facilitate a shift of
green manufacturing setup that resources that allows a focus on
can drive renewable and sustain- sustainable manufacturing.
able practices is key to driving
long-term business benefits. Green practices at Zetwerk
There is an immediate need for At Zetwerk, we have the goal
continuous line-based manu- of creating an environment
facturing organizations to shift conducive to sustainable man-
towards renewable sources of ufacturing. We have invested
energy to drive environmental in technologies that help us
sustainability and long-term drive green practices. Zetwerk
Srinath Ramakkrushnan economic viability. works closely with the Govern-
Co-founder & COO ment on various Transmission
Zetwerk Manufacturing
Smaller manufacturers & Distribution projects and has
need to buck up aided in the supply, installation,
Green manufacturing, There have been concerted ef- testing, and commissioning of
key for long-term forts made towards ensuring over 500 solar water pumps
business benefits sustainable manufacturing prac- in Jaipur, Bikaner, and Ajmer,
Manufacturing, while a crucial tices in India, with large-scale among other districts. These
driver for economic growth, is players investing heavily in solar panels are assembled atop
a highly energy-intensive sec- pressing renewable energy prac- steady purlin structures and are
tor. Traditional manufacturing tices into action and working sufficient to run 5 HP and 7.5
warrant significant levels of en- towards the reduction of carbon HP pumps, resulting in output
ergy consumption and are major emissions. However, the over- power of up to 4,800 Watt-peak
contributors to GHG emissions. all manufacturing ecosystem in (Wp). In states where rainwater
The clarion call by the United India is highly fragmented, with is scarce, multi-crore projects
Nations as laid down in the ESG several smaller players across the contribute to the delivery of
practices has provided an impe- country making up some value irrigation water from under-
tus to sustainable business prac- chains. These players are unable ground water tables up to 100 m
tices globally, and organizations to operate productively, innovate deep. These pumps help farm-
are increasingly looking towards quickly, and implement sustain- ers in remote villages increase
creating an ecosystem that aligns ably. There is a pronounced need their income and become more
with their commitment to sus- for a manufacturing framework independent through sustain-
tainability. It is imperative for that establishes benchmarks able sources of irrigation and
manufacturers to adopt renew- for smaller manufacturers and de-dieselizing India’s Agri-
able sources of energy to not only suppliers to implement green cultural sector under the PM
gain a competitive advantage but manufacturing practices. The KUSUM Scheme.
also to ensure faster growth than sector also needs a technological
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16 | November-December 2021 Modern Manufacturing India