Page 15 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
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gy targets (450 GW by 2030). Our   In 2017, Schneider Electric joined
                                        installed power capacity would be   RE100  and  committed  to source
                                        more  than  double  by 2030,  while  100  percent of electricity from
                                        our electricity demand  would  renewables  by 2030. To deliver
                                        be four times by 2050, which is a     our target, we leverage four com-
                                        positive  trend,  as  ‘Electric and  plementary tools: green  tariffs,
                                        Digital’ will pave  way for ac-  renewable  certificates,  power
                                        celerating a  low/no-carbon  en-  purchase  agreements,  and  on-
                                        ergy  transition,  and  thereby  site generation.
                                        putting us  and  the  world  on  the    Currently,  around  60  percent
                                        1.5-degree  celcius  trajectory. Us-  of the  electricity used  at our
                                        ing electric can  make  our energy  most energy-intensive  sites  in
                                        supply and demand more efficient   India  is  sourced  from  renew-
          Venkat Garimella              and  sustainable,  as  electricity is  ables,  saving more  than  12,000
          Vice President                the  only vector of energy that  tonnes  of CO  emissions  per
          Strategy & Sustainability                                               2
          Schneider Electric India      can  be  efficiently decarbonized.  year.  We  have  a  mix of on-site
                                        Subsequently,  we  must become  solar installations  and  off-site
          Going ‘Electric and Digital’  more  digital as  IT +  OT conver-  renewable power through wind
          The impact of global warming is   gence  opens  new and  bigger    and  solar PPAs  across  our sites
          quite  evident today. That being  opportunities  to  harness  the  in India.
          the  case,  it is  imperative  to re-  maximum  potential of renew-  We  differentiate  our sustain-
          duce Earth’s carbon footprint by   able  energy and  make  instal-  ability  strategy  by  playing
          adopting sustainable practices in   lations  and  operations  super-   on  both  sides  of the  equation.
          business  operations  in  line  with  efficient  with  improved  en-  We  are  leading by example
          the  UN’s  2030  SDGs. Notably,  ergy  productivity.  Significant  in  our ecosystem,  and  at the
          global energy consumption  has  market  opportunities  are  be-  same  time,  with  our  com-
          increased 40 times in the last 100   ing created  in  India  in  various  plete  range  of  EcoStruxure
          years and is set to double by 2050.   sectors,  ranging  from  digital  offerings,  powered  by digiti-
          Of the total CO  emissions, more   and  electric solutions  to renew-  zation,  we  are  also part of the
          than 80 percent is from the pro-  able  technologies,  all a  result of   solution for making our custom-
          duction or consumption of ener-  the  new focus  on  sustainabili-  ers and communities sustainable
          gy. As the current levels put us in   ty. We  are  seeing an  evolving  and efficient.
          the  3.5-degree  celcius  scenario,  landscape  of Distributed  Energy    With  our state-of-the-art dig-
          there  is  a  need  to reduce  emis-  Resources  (DERs),  Energy Storage,  ital  power  conversion,  and
          sions drastically to remain within   Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy trading,   distribution and software solu-
          the 1.5-degree celcius limit.  Green  Hydrogen,  supported  by  tions,  we  help  our customers
          Due  to its  lower carbon  trail,  it is  next-generation  technologies  like  to harness  the  maximum  po-
          necessary to deploy renewable  Smart Grid,  Artificial Intelligence,  tential of renewable  energy. In
          energy sources  to drive  sustain-  Machine  Learning,  and  Block-  India,  15  percent of the  solar
          able engineering operations across   chain. For instance,  Schneider  power installed  capacity runs
          all industries  worldwide. The  Electric,  through  its  EcoStruxure  on Schneider Electric solutions.
          utilization  of renewable  sources  platform  and  digital offerings  like  With  our consulting services,
          of energy can  help  in  addressing  Microgrid Advisor, Resource Advi-  our Energy &  Sustainability
          the  increasing energy demand  sor,  Energy Storage  Management  Services  (ESS)  team  helps  vari-
          through fossil fuels in agriculture,   and  Demand  Response  (DR),  and  ous  organizations  in  India  and
          industries,  and  commercial and  Demand Side Management (DSM)   across the world to build, com-
          residential buildings. This  is  pos-  solutions, enable our customers to   mit, and execute a carbon-neu-
          sible  only through  the  adoption  decarbonize  their supply and  de-  tral and  net-zero emissions
          of renewable energy technologies   mand side to the maximum extent   strategy while  adhering to ob-
          and a constant transfer of knowl-  possible and embrace the new en-  jectives like RE100. In India, our
          edge  and  expertise. Globally,  we  ergy landscape.        ESS team manages a portfolio of
          are going to see renewable energy                           more  than  600  MW  of renew-
          share increase more than six times   Playing on both sides of   able  energy power purchase
          in the coming 20 years.       the equation                  agreements,  including on-site
          When  it comes  to India,  we  have  We  deploy renewable  energy  solar installations, off-site solar,
          taken  ambitious  renewable  ener-  both  internally and  externally.  and wind energy procurement.

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