Page 13 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 13
about how manufacturing in- be keen to procure machines alone will be permitted entry
dustries function. for their production lines, says into BIEC. All other safety norms IMTEX is
V Anbu, Director General & will be followed religiously. a gateway
A coveted brand CEO, IMTMA. According to him, A series of coronavirus-induced that works
IMTEX is a place where inno- IMTEX will achieve the twin lockdowns made in-person events on B2B
vations can be witnessed. New goals of bringing the latest tech- impossible to hold in 2020 and dynamics.
products, new customers, and nologies and solutions to the much of 2021. However, things be- The exhibi-
new business deals are forged. doorsteps of manufacturers, be- gan to change with the vaccination tion show-
cases new
The large-scale international sides showcasing the prowess of drive picking up pace. The Minis- develop-
participation and business gen- the Indian Machine Tool indus- try of Health & Family Welfare’s ments and
erated is a major differentiator. try to overseas markets. The ex- latest move to allow fully vaccinat- serves as
This is why IMTEX is a success- hibition will showcase technol- ed international travellers from a medium
ful brand, says Ravi Raghavan, ogies focusing on metal cutting any country with which India has for devel-
oping new
President, IMTMA, as he re- and metal forming, including 3D reciprocal agreements for mutu- customers
flects on what makes the show printing, automation, robotics, al acceptance of WHO approved and entre-
a grand success. The show has evolutionary Industry 4.0 con- COVID-19 vaccines is a welcome preneurs.
created a homogenous ecosys- cepts, and many more. step and will boost the confidence
tem of the entire machine tool Anbu adds that IMTEX is a of the Exhibition industry stake-
world. Today, every industry gateway that works purely holders to stage events.
that uses some kind of machine on B2B dynamics. The exhibi-
tool knows about IMTEX, and all tion showcases new develop- A much-needed approach
companies are glad to showcase ments and serves as a medium Every IMTEX offers a futuristic
it on their websites and market- for developing new customers outlook through the technolo-
ing materials. This has helped and entrepreneurs. gy and product displays that it
IMTEX achieve its iconic status. brings, offering visitors a whole-
Safe exhibition some, enriching, and fruitful ex-
Moving with the times IMTMA, in organizing IMTEX & perience. This is what has made
Having battled COVID-induced IMTEX FORMING 2022 at BIEC, IMTEX South East Asia’s largest
challenges, India’s economy is following all COVID-relat- and most efficient industrial
is about to grow at around 10 ed protocols and safety norms exhibition. Visitors are encour-
percent, according to the lat- laid down by the Government. aged to participate in the show
est Government estimates. The Pre-registration of exhibitors, and unearth all the technologies
share of manufacturing will un- visitors, and service personnel and innovations by the Machine
doubtedly increase and many are being done online. Visitors Tool industry for their manufac-
of the champion sectors will vaccinated with both doses turing needs. November-December 2021 | 13