Page 10 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 10
A gain, it is that time of the year when it calls for reflection on our expe-
riences, memories, events, achievements, and bloopers. In a retrospec-
tive mode, we make a note of what we learned from the past year as
we move on to the next.
The year that is ending gave India a mixed bag of difficulties and defining
moments in terms of success and failure. When confronting challenging
situations, often the best path is through innovative solutions, collaborations,
and partnerships. Likewise, to spur the country’s growth, efficiency, and
investments, the Government is actively focusing on Public Private Partner-
ships (PPPs).
The launch of the Indian Space Association (ISpA) aims to accelerate India’s de-
velopment in the Space industry and make the country a leading player in this
segment. It is slated to facilitate private players to work with Indian Space Re-
search Organization (ISRO). The focus of the association is on capacity building
Editor-in-Chief and the creation of space hubs and incubators in the country for private space
Modern Manufacturing India start-ups. ISpA will work towards building global linkages for the Indian Space
industry to bring in critical technology and investments into the country to
create more high-skilled jobs.
In the same vein, the recent inauguration of the first operationalized private
sector defence manufacturing facility in the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial
Corridor (UPDIC) is termed as a ‘shining example’ of a strong PPP. The facility,
run by Aerolloy Tech-
nologies Ltd, a subsid-
iary of PTC Industries
“Let us enter the New Year
Ltd, will manufac-
cheerfully. Let us resolve to look
ture parts of engines
onto the bright side, to make the for aircraft and he-
best of whatever may befall, to licopters, structur-
maintain faith that doing the right al components for
thing will ultimately bring victory.” aircraft, drones and
UAVs, submarines,
- B C Forbes ultra-light artil-
lery guns, and space
launch vehicles. Also, the foundation stone was laid by Shri Rajnath Singh,
Hon’ble Defence Minister, for an integrated metal manufacturing facility to
produce key raw materials in titanium and other exotic alloys for aerospace
applications to help significantly reduce the country’s dependence on imports.
In today’s competitive landscape, not only big conglomerates but also medi-
um-sized enterprises are adopting advanced technologies such as Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Industry 4.0, Digital Manufacturing,
and many more to become self-reliant and stay afloat.
Towards this endeavor, we present you this issue, highlighting how India is
marching towards progress and keeping pace with technologies that would go a
long way to make it ‘Atamanirbhar’ in true spirit.
As always, we solicit your valuable feedback to continue bringing you enrich-
ing stories.
10 | November-December 2021 Modern Manufacturing India