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She is also looking into retail powerful electric vehicles. “We
sales, engaging with captive also have a footprint of over
and retail customers. 500 charging infra points to
support electric vehicles on the
Innovative mobility ground, with multiple charging
solutions variants and charge on wheels
The company, founded in 2018, options,” he claims.
has focused on building on tech
leadership and designing supe- Tackling hurdles
rior products suited for Indian Source: Euler Motors Speaking of the teething issues
customers and road conditions, and the strategies to deal with
shares Saurav. HiLoad, the “Product innovation has been the increasingly fierce competi-
company’s flagship vehicle, is our central focus, and we have tion in the EV field, Saurav ex-
a market differentiator with the most powerful EV on the plains, “Our product, along with
market. We have researched and
the highest payload capacity in incorporated new technologies a full-stack approach towards
the three-wheeler cargo seg- such as BTMS (Battery Thermal EVs, has struck a chord with cus-
ment, including Internal Com- Management System) and liquid tomers. Traditionally, EV mod-
cooling into our battery systems,
bustion Engine (ICE) vehicles, which are new in the commercial els have been plagued by poor
at 688 kg. The payload capacity vehicle segment.” designs and fall short against The industry
is also higher than the indus- Saurav Kumar bumpy stretches or extreme should now
try standard of 550 kg. “As an Founder & CEO weather conditions. Therefore, focus on
Euler Motors
innovative EV, it also boasts of product innovation has been our avenues for
the highest battery power (12.4 central focus, and we have the indigenous
kWh) and highest range (151 vehicles to withstand a wide most powerful EV on the mar- production of
KM) with over six segment-first range of ambient temperatures ket. We have researched and cells for EVs.
The spotlight
innovations in the segment to and topographies for extended incorporated new technologies is also on
suit best-in-class performance,” battery life. The vehicle also such as BTMS (Battery Thermal semiconduc-
he mentions. includes advanced telematics Management System) and liquid tors, which
The HiLoad battery pack has and software for fleet tracking, cooling into our battery systems, form the
an integrated thermal man- battery monitoring, and re- which are new in the commer- prime com-
agement system and liquid al-time charging, making it one cial vehicle segment.” ponent of
cooling technology that allows of India’s most advanced and He shares that the main con- EV batteries,
cerns for customers in this and perhaps
segment are load capacity, re- now is the
liable performance, and range right time to
anxiety, and that HiLoad excels put in efforts
to localize
in all of these areas. “We are these in
also a step ahead in the indus- India.
try as HiLoad is equipped with
advanced telematics and soft-
ware assistance that assures ef-
fective fleet management and
real-time charging updates,
contributing to efficient perfor-
mance,” he adds. “EVs cannot
operate in silos, and we have,
therefore, built products that
are suitable for local business
needs and provided charging
infra and service support to
ensure effortless operations.
Source: Euler Motors Our flexible and fast charging
solutions, along with a network
of charging stations and ac-
Gaurav Kumar, Head of Supply Chain & Manufacturing, Euler Motors and Saurav Kumar, Founder & tive service support, have also
CEO, Euler Motors helped us gain customer trust.”
May-June 2022 | 55