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Novelty Impex has been manufacturing sealing products for three decades.
With sound technical knowledge and vast production experience, the compa-
ny has carved out a niche for itself in domestic and overseas markets with its
brand of ‘NOV’.
Source: Novelty Impex
ounded in 1992, Novelty Tracing the journey kets. Singhal says, “R&D is one
F Impex has been manu- Aditya Singhal, CEO, Novelty of the most crucial driving forc-
facturing sealing prod-
Impex, describes the company’s
es of our success. Jodhpur is an
ucts for over 30 years as journey, “Indian hydraulic and excellent geographical site and
a family-owned business, with pneumatic industries were look- has transport advantages that
ownership and management ing for quality sealing products provide strong support for the
consisting of second- and third- to go into the cylinders as im- development of Novelty Impex.”
generation family members. With port substitutes with less tech-
a current turnover of `1.45 crore, nology available in India. Im- Wide range of offerings
the target is to reach `5 crore by ported products were expensive The company is a global manufac-
the next fiscal year. and took a long time to be deliv- turer and exporter of Fluid Power
The highly innovative and tech- ered here. There was a monopo- Hydraulic and Pneumatic Seals,
nologically focused company is ly of foreign companies and no Wiper Seals, O-Rings, Rod and
committed to providing its cus- policies such as ‘Make in India’. Piston Seals, Chevron Packing
tomers with world-class sealing We faced many such hurdles Seals, Das Compact Seals, Guide
SOVAN TUDU solutions. It not only designs and and made Seals from 4mm to Strips, Bands and Spiral, Turcite
Magic Wand Media Inc delivers products, but its leading 1000mm with trademarks NOV, Sheets for slideways, Bearings
Sovan.tudu@ engineers and industry specialists NOVFLON, NOVIE.” and other custom high-perfor-
also work directly with OEM and Based on a solid technical foun- mance rubber and plastic parts
maintenance-and-repair custom- dation and extensive production made from a wide range of ma-
ers. Together, they improve prod- experience, the company has terials such as Polyurethane (PU),
uct designs and materials that sub- developed its brand of ‘NOV’, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE),
stantially increase reliability and which has a good track record in Nitrile Rubber (NBR) and Fluo-
outperform stock products. domestic and international mar- ro-Elastomers (FKM), FRP.
52 | May-June 2022 Modern Manufacturing India