Page 54 - MMI - MayJune2022 small-single
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                         LEADING THE EV REVOLUTION

                         Auto tech startup Euler Motors aims to create superior alternatives to traditional
                         mobility while removing barriers to EV mass adoption in India. From humble
                         beginnings  to steadily  expanding  its  customer base beyond  the  development
                         stage, the company is ready to take the business to the next level.

                         Source: Euler Motors

                         Shop floor of Euler Motors

                                amed after the scientist   EVs in the first- and last-mile seg-  entire value chain and process-
                         N      Leonard  Euler, Euler   ment, including intercity travel,”   es, from component procure-
                                                       he adds, pointing it out as one of
                                Motors was founded
                                                                                     ment  to  inventory  and  vendor
                         with the urge to address the ris-  the company’s most unique val-  management to vehicle produc-
                         ing pollution concerns and build   ue propositions that has inspired   tion and planning. Mehra leads
                         innovative and powerful electric   immense customer confidence in   the vehicle’s entire sales ecosys-
                         vehicles  and  a mobility  ecosys-  the industry.           tem and the company’s custom-
                         tem for India. “We have been in-  Saurav  is  in  charge  of  prod-  er order book and institutional
                         spired by companies  like Tesla,   uct development and business   sales. In the last two years, she
                         which have successfully brought   expansion. He has also been   has led the company’s custom-
                         EVs  to the  world map  and  are   involved in the design and de-  er pilot program, where she
                         driven  towards  making  Euler   velopment of HiLoad and its   has worked with major e-com-
                         Motors a Tesla for CVs (commer-  battery pack, as well as cus-  merce and hyper-local delivery
          SOVAN TUDU     cial  vehicles)  in India,” shares   tomer engagement and liaising   companies such as Flipkart, Big
          Magic Wand Media Inc   Saurav Kumar, Founder  & CEO,   with investor groups to raise   Basket, Udaan, and Ecom Ex-
          Sovan.tudu@    Euler Motors.                 funds for the company’s expan-  press. She and her team have

                         “With our  full-stack  approach,   sion. Other founding members   managed the entire vehicle
                         which  comprises powerful ve-  include Gaurav Kumar, Head of   deployment, maintenance, and
                         hicles,  charging infrastructure,   Supply Chain & Manufacturing   service support, resulting in
                         service  support and  advanced   and Vani Rikhy Mehra, AVP,   a  strong  customer  order  book
                         technologies, we are making cus-  Sales and Mobility.       for the company, which has
                         tomers comfortable and open to   Gaurav oversees the company's   already surpassed 3,500 units.

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