Page 25 - MMI-March-April-2022
P. 25

cal for women and men to ed-  Kelkar:  The biggest challenge
          “Women currently make up      ucate themselves on the new   is  the  mindset  of  co-workers
          18 percent of Sandvik Coromant’s
          workforce and 30 percent of    manufacturing set-up. For ex-  and the top management of the
          its next-generation managers,   ample, now that Industry 4.0   company. However, it is chang-
          which is higher than the industry   is gaining popularity and most   ing very fast, and women in
          average. It is possible to be accep-
          ted and welcomed into this indus-  shop floors are well connected   manufacturing are increasing
          try. So don't be afraid of it.   digitally with offices or deci-  their numbers every day. The
          Knowledge is powerful, regardless   sion-makers, knowledge upda-  shift is also due to an increase in
          of gender.”
                                        tion, rather than misconcep-  the number of female directors
          Helen Blomqvist               tions,  plays  a  more  important   or owners, as well as next-gen-
          Sandvik Coromant              role here.                    eration daughters, stepping into
                                                                      and  successfully  running  their
                                        Can you discuss some of the ma-  father’s business. Women are
                                        jor challenges that women face   also getting increasingly ambi-
          that women have about working   while working in the Manufactur-  tious and finding jobs at high-
          in a manufacturing environment?  ing industry? How would you like   er levels in the Manufacturing
          Blomqvist:  One common mis-   to approach these issues?     industry. At the same time, the
          conception is that women are   Blomqvist:  One of the biggest   industry is also accepting them
          not accepted in traditionally   challenges women face is based   very well.
          ‘male-dominated’  industries  on perceptions and gender ste-  The  challenges  will  be  fewer
          such as manufacturing. This is   reotypes. However, the Manufac-  with time because of digital
          largely due to the values associ-  turing industry is facing a major   manufacturing and automa-  Accord-
          ated with the male gender role   skills gap, with research predict-  tion. The jobs that were done   ing to the
          in workplace culture. Howev-  ing that there could be 2 million   manually in manufacturing   Bureau
          er, according to the Bureau of   manufacturing jobs available by   earlier are no longer required   of Labor
          Labor Statistics, nearly 1 mil-  2025. In fact, manufacturing em-  to be done manually. Most   Statistics,
          lion women entered the labor   ployment  in  India  has  dropped   Manufacturing industries have   nearly 1
          workforce in the United States   by  almost  half  in  the  last  five   adopted automation in material   million
          in 2021. This demonstrates that   years, to 27 million. As  women   handling and other labor-in-  women
          attitudes are changing, and   hold less than 30 percent of man-  tensive jobs in a massive way.   entered the
          women are prepared to enter a   ufacturing jobs, there is a great   So, the challenge for women to   labor
          stereotypically male-dominat-  opportunity for women looking   lift heavy things is no longer   workforce
          ed industry.                  to enter this industry. Another   there. Moreover, while operat-  in the Unit-
                                                                                                     ed States
          Furthermore, there  are  many   challenge relates to maternity   ing the machine, there is a lot   in 2021.
          successful  women  in  manu-  leave. Studies have  shown dis-  of digitalization and minimal
          facturing  who are the  brains   parities between the career paths   physical work, which is why it
          behind  many exciting  projects.   of women and men following   is now much better for women
          And  the number of  women     childbirth. For instance, only   in manufacturing.
          employed  at Sandvik  Coromant   28 percent of women work full-  Furthermore, companies  should
          confirms  this.  Women  cur-  time three years after childbirth,   address  the  male-female  divide
          rently make up  18  percent  of    compared to 90 percent of men.   in industries at the top level once
          Sandvik  Coromant’s  workforce   Besides this, 17 percent of wom-  they  have established a  gender
          and 30 percent of its next-gener-  en leave employment completely   equality policy or hired a certain
          ation managers, which is higher   in the five years after childbirth,   percentage of female employees.
          than  the  industry  average.  It   whereas  this  is  as  low  as  4  per-  Also, more decision-making  po-
          is  possible to be accepted and   cent with men.            sitions should be given to wom-
          welcomed into this  industry. So   To  address  this,  industry  lead-  en  to truly  convince  them  that
          don't be afraid of it. Knowledge is   ers must do more to encourage   they are capable of doing  more
          powerful—regardless of gender.  women into this industry by   than  just  clerical  work.  Once
                                        demonstrating the possibilities   there is a female decision-maker
          Kelkar:  Manufacturing set-ups   and potential out there. They   in place, the effect will be notice-
          are constantly changing. There   must also ensure they are flex-  able down the line.
          is a significant difference be-  ible and more accommodat-
          tween how manufacturing was   ing of commitments outside of   What skills do you believe are es-
          done  in the 1980s and how  it   work. Rigid workplaces will   sential for success in today’s Man-
          is done now. Hence, it is criti-  miss out on skilled workers.   ufacturing industry?

                                                                                            March-April 2022 |  25

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