Page 30 - MMI-March-April-2022
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ed to batch-to-batch and ma- pact the product development ly complex parts with a single
chine-to-machine repeatability. process end-to-end. machine. With 3D printing capa-
This makes it possible to reduce bility, you can reduce the econ-
the time and cost associated with Efficiency omies of scale associated with
set-up and change-over, which Additive manufacturing leads large, centralized factories. The
enhances the manufacturing to a simplified Bill of Materi- distribution of manufacturing
system’s response to new inputs als (BOM) for a given product, across the value chain becomes
and market demands. which streamlines supply chain more feasible. Spare parts, rapid
management and speeds produc- tooling, and more can be made
Speed tion. As more and more factories at distributed sites closer to end
Additive manufacturing, com- implement additive platforms, customers, reducing everything
bined with an intelligent digital smarter designs lead to more from transportation costs to in-
supply chain, is helping virtual efficient engineering, lighter ventory and warehousing costs.
teams across the globe collab- weights, greener processes, and Plus, by converting to a more
orate on new designs, compare overall improvements in part digital inventory, manufacturers
actual physical representations performance. By having a simpli- can free up capital, which gives
of a product, save time from fied BOM, the entire production them more flexibility to develop
concept to prototype to pilot process – and often the end part new products and manufactur-
to production, and even move or product itself – is improved. ing processes and/or invest in
As more
and more production closer to consumers. When companies apply design other segments of their business-
factories When we think about this in for additive manufacturing es. When fewer parts are held
implement comparison to launching a prod- (DfAM) principles to part consol- in inventory, users can cut the
additive uct in a conventional manner idation and system-level design, number of part bins on the shop
platforms, — with its investment in tools, the resulting BOM consolidation floor and use less on-site storage.
smarter parts, equipment, partnerships, and reduction of part numbers Reducing the BOM with 3D
designs and time to release first articles enable companies to realize ex- printing cuts the overhead asso-
lead to — the benefits of additive man- ponential savings and, in many ciated with the extra documen-
more ufacturing are compelling. It’s cases, a more reliable product. tation, inspection, mass produc-
efficient undeniable that additive man- Another cost benefit comes from tion planning, and inventory
engineer- ufacturing applications can im- 3D printing’s ability to build high- control. Fewer parts also result in
ing, lighter
and overall
ments in
part per-
Source: Jabil Inc.
"New, innovative materials do more than help the bottom line. Ground-breaking approaches with new polymers can solve important challenges in
sustainability, healthcare, transportation, environmental care, and aerospace."
-- Elizabeth Gardner, Senior Chemist & Materials Engineer, Jabil Inc.
30 | March-April 2022 Modern Manufacturing India