Page 20 - MMI-March-April-2022
P. 20
Characterized by growth for decades, the aerospace industry has never been in
as deep a crisis as COVID-19. Now that the markets have returned to the levels of
growth last seen in 2006, how can aerospace manufacturers get back on track? The
answer lies in more sustainable manufacturing. An expert in the field explains
how collaboration will play a vital part in the recuperation of the industry.
Source: Sandvik Coromant
he Aerospace industry try will be back to where it was reduction in weight, noise, and
T had been growing con- pre-crisis within the next two emissions and higher efficiency
sistently for 14 years
to three years. The speed of this
with less consumption. These
when the pandemic struck. recovery will vary in different single-aisled crafts must satisfy
There’s no doubt that trends and countries and regions. Neverthe- a wide range of uses without
the future of aerospace have less, over the long term, the num- increasing the size or quantity
been immensely affected by the ber of new airplanes could still be of engines.
unprecedented coronavirus pan- reduced by 25 percent by 2040. There are different ways of ap-
demic. There has been an expo- proaching these design chal-
nentially reduced business or Design changes and lenges. One is to find alternative
vacation travel, while airlines challenges fuels using existing engine tanks,
have had to adjust to substantial- Another big change, from an such as synthetic fuel, biofuel,
ly lower levels of profitability. engineering perspective, is that or hydrogen. Then you have a
It isn’t all bad news. The Aero- airplanes will be single-aisled new engine architecture with
SÉBASTIEN JAEGER space sector has seen some im- rather than twin-aisled and, large manufacturers presenting
Industry Solution provement in the first half of therefore, less wide-bodied. new types of engines, which is
Manager, Aerospace 2021. Success, though, is tied to They will also be required to a longer-term approach. Then
Sandvik Coromant
several factors like vaccinations have a longer flying range. we have alternative forms of
and the global economic outlook, Engines and frames are close- engines that are electrified, bat-
with Chinese economic prosperi- ly connected: one doesn’t go tery-driven or electromagnetic,
ty, business, and holiday travel re- without the other, but with en- or hybrid engines where current
covery also having an influence. gines, we can say the focus is engines are assisted by electric
Projections estimate the indus- on sustainability. This means a power motors.
20 | March-April 2022 Modern Manufacturing India