Page 26 - MMI-March-April-2022
P. 26

Blomqvist:  Critical  thinking                              industry perceptions by mak-
                         and flexibility are two essential   “There is a significant difference   ing noise and recognize the
                         skills for those working in man-  between how manufacturing was   organizations that encourage
                                                       done in the 1980s and how it is
                         ufacturing. As a result of digital   done now. Hence, it is critical for   diverse workplaces. So, look
                         transformation  and  the  fourth   women and men to educate   for those organizations that
           Studies                                     themselves on the new manufac-
           reveal that   industrial  revolution,  manufac-  turing set-up. With Industry 4.0   will value your ideas and
           only 28       turing  now  encompasses  many   gaining popularity and most shop   diversity and champion wom-
           percent       different  roles  and  technologies   floors well connected digitally wi-  en in manufacturing.
                                                       th offices or decision-makers,
           of women      that require  highly  skilled  in-  knowledge updation plays a more
           work full-    dividuals  who  can  adapt  to a   important role here.”    Kelkar: Currently, India has
           time three    changing landscape.           Mohini Kelkar                 huge opportunities in manufac-
           years after   Workers   in  manufacturing   Director                      turing, partially due to various
           childbirth,   must  ask  questions  and  apply   Business Development     other worldwide events like
           compared      logic and reasoning to pin-   Grind Master Machines Pvt Ltd  the COVID-19 pandemic, the
           to 90         point strengths and weakness-                               recent Russia war, and so  on.
           percent of
           men. And,     es, which necessitates critical                             These are creating more op-
           17 percent    thinking. Flexibility ensures   to be successful in the Manu-  portunities for India, and more
           of women      workers can carry out vari-   facturing industry today, one   manufacturing will happen in
           leave em-     ous tasks, from operating ma-  has to unlearn and acquire new   India, which means there will
           ployment      chinery on the factory floor to   skills rapidly.           be many more job opportunities
           completely    working on computers. To per-                               in manufacturing as a career.
           in the five   form the various tasks that the   What advice would you give to   For the same reason, there are
           years after   industry now offers, this skill   your coworkers and job seekers   prospects for starting your own
           childbirth,   also necessitates a willingness   interested in pursuing a career in   business in manufacturing, and
           as com-       to learn and an open mind.    manufacturing?                there will be alternatives to be-
           pared to                                    Blomqvist:  Just  do it. Don’t   coming a part of the global sup-
           4 percent
           of men.       Kelkar:  As I previously stated,   spend time thinking about why   ply chain. Many international
                         the skills are frequently chang-  you shouldn’t take up a career   companies are looking into
                         ing. The process of unlearning   in manufacturing. The indus-  outsourcing options from India,
                         and learning has to be very fast.   try  needs  more women to  fill   so becoming a manufacturing
                         To be able to cope with the new   critical skill and gender gaps.   entrepreneur could be a viable
                         methods  of  manufacturing  or   It is important to challenge    career option.




                                                       MURALI SUNDARAM
                                       M: +91 9740048390 |

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