Page 15 - MMI-March-April-2022
P. 15
ket disruption, automotive manu- significantly, with lesser compo- ity that they have at home in
facturers and suppliers are eager nents and subassemblies. Already, their vehicles. The Automotive
for positive news. Indisputably, OEMs are investing in battery and industry is moving toward ev-
2021 was a tough year for man- motor manufacturing. ery vehicle having a standard
ufacturers, suppliers, and OEMs. software download. The configu-
As we enter 2022 to notice and Enhanced visibility will be rable systems can then be added
adapt to the many COVID-related a lifesaver any time during the ownership
setbacks, some predictions that With the help of software, man- of the vehicle using the internet
are safe to bet on include: ufacturers are saving the day by through WIFI or 5G.
managing supply chains for every Connectivity will also enable
Agility will be a priority OEM. While manufacturing mi- vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and
The Automotive industry has crochips might not help, with the vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)
faced various paradigm shifts in technological advancements, the communications that will help in
the past year, largely driven by the supply chain is certainly a strat- reducing accidents and improv-
unstoppable C.A.S.E. (Connectivity, egy that every automotive OEM ing traffic flows in increasingly
Autonomous, Sharing/Subscrip- and supplier can apply. There are congested cities.
tion, and Electrification). These tools available for supply chain Many manufacturers and devel-
factors impact every sector of the planning that can help manufac- opers have accepted and believed
industry – whether it is product de- turers monitor inventories, deliv- that the solution is a combination
sign and development or manufac- eries, shipping routes, expected of cameras and LIDAR with arti-
turing, distribution, sales, service, deliveries, and the impact on sales ficial intelligence (AI). Advanced
talent, and the aftermarket. orders if a delivery is delayed. Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
like automatic braking are popular
Electrification and Platforms IIoT features among consumers.
The industry has embarked on A part of Industry 4.0, the Indus-
the process of electrification as trial Internet of Things (IIoT) will
the Government has underlined let manufacturers and integrators
its emission reduction goals. In provide their lines with low-cost
the coming time, hybrids may sensors that stream data to the
dominate, but light vehicles will, cloud for analysis.
in time, become electric. Elec- The data analysis shows the per-
tric vehicle (EV) manufacturing formance of the operation right
looks certain to impact OEM as- down to the component level.
sembly plants and suppliers. Post-analyzing, the data is paired
As the Giga factories are grow- with a digital twin that enables
ing, battery manufacturing will operations to build an accurate
also become large-scale world- representation of the process to
wide. New companies entering aid problem resolution, continu-
the market are producing only ous improvement, remote visual- Zurvan Marolia
platforms for EVs for other tradi- ization, change management, and Senior Vice President Head,
Manufacturing Council
tional manufacturers to use. This flexible planning. Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co Ltd
will automatically speed up the Manufacturers nowadays are
process of local manufacturing – looking for smarter, multi-con- Key ICT trends
small manufacturing hubs based figurable solutions to align the
on a standardized agile manufac- autonomy and efficiency of their Internet of Things (IoT)
turing principle that can be rep- day-to-day operations with future IoT is widely utilized in manu-
licated multiple times in multiple change, minimizing disruption facturing to minimize human
locations to sell to the local areas, and cost while maximizing asset intervention – from selecting
reducing many of the costs asso- output potential. programs from a program li-
ciated with logistical transporta- brary to production scheduling
tion and plant size and scale. Connectivity and Autonomy to optimize capacity utilization
These will bring remarkable Connectivity in vehicles has to operation sequencing right
changes. Engine assembly plants transformed the entire Automo- up to packing and dispatch. The
and the supply chains that support tive industry in a good way. Us- entire cycle may be handled by
them will diminish or disappear. ers have increased expectations machines interacting with one
Vehicle assembly will also change of the same internet connectiv- another and passing on informa-
March-April 2022 | 15