Page 16 - MMI-March-April-2022
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tion needed to perform the next 3D Printing (Metal) to continue in the fourth quarter,
operation in a specified sequence. This is a big leap forward from with over US$ 400 billion in reve-
These systems aid in proj- the early days of 3D printing and nue for the fiscal year.
ect-wise material planning, has a multitude of applications in
production planning, tracking a world where ‘batch size 1’ is be-
factory capacities and job-loads, coming an increasingly frequent
production reporting, and as- requirement to meet the needs
set-level planning to augment of customization. It will also find
production and operational applicability in quick-working
efficiencies. This directly en- prototypes and service and main-
sures that a customer receives tenance requirements. 3D printing
a superior quality product for by itself is not new as an additive
the most optimum price in process, but the development of
the least possible time and with sintered metal as a material for
visibility on the status of the printing has opened up a whole
order throughout. new set of possibilities for the
Manufacturing sector.
Artificial Intelligence Praveen Shetty
It may be utilized to give a layer Use of Cobots Senior Director, Engineering
Honeywell Technology Solutions
of predictability to processes by Cobots, bring in a factor of Lab Pvt Ltd - Performance Materials
building consistency into pro- ‘co-working’, which by their very and Technologies
cesses as well as being taught definition, works along with the
to interpret multiple signals fact that they are more easily pro- Digital twin to lead the
received from strategically lo- grammable than industrial robots growth of the sector
cated sensors to provide early because they are capable of ‘learn- India is on its way to becoming
warning signals of any poten- ing’ on the job. a global manufacturing hub,
tial disruption – from quality with the potential to add more
deviations to breakdowns. Ad- 2022 to be positive than US$ 500 billion annually
vanced systems would be able While the view for 2022 is pos- to the global economy by 2030.
to go a step further into self-di- itive, certain challenges remain. The application of technologies
agnosis and self-regulation. A post-pandemic boom is an- like digital twin will lead to the
ticipated in the wake of green growth of the Manufacturing
Cloud Computing and Analysis shoots that have already been sector, as will innovations that
It is the third trend to look for- apparent in recent months. In In- are smart, connected, efficient,
ward to. It is now simpler for dia, the cost of doing business is and reliable. Autonomous sys-
the Manufacturing industry a worry, and recurrent waves of tems and controls are the prime
to implement technology that the epidemic are disrupting sup- areas of investment by manu-
assists in moving a company’s ply chains and manufacturing, facturing companies.
journey towards smart manu- particularly for small- and medi- Companies are also focusing on
facturing, thanks to increased um-sized businesses, which are their sustainability agenda, with
access to inexpensive equip- the economy's backbone. many declaring their net-zero
ment paired with cloud com- Over the previous three quarters, roadmaps. For the Manufactur-
puting and analytics. Analysis the economy has grown steadily. ing industry, this translates into
is where the investment in dig- Despite a glitch in the first quar- reducing effluents and carbon
itization begins to pay back for ter, we achieved year-over-year footprints and improving renew-
itself and is the meeting point increase for the quarter. Both the ables in their inputs – from ener-
where the gigabytes of data are manufacturing and services sec- gy mix to products.
used to perform iterative ‘what tors have experienced growth in There is no doubt that Industry
if?’ scenarios. This, in turn, recent months, with their respec- 4.0 is the way forward for com-
helps arrive at optimal solu- tive PMIs reflecting increasing ex- panies looking to modernize
tions for capacity utilization pansionary momentum. We are their manufacturing processes.
and quality assurance, which already approaching pre-pandem- Connected devices and data will
together can make manufac- ic levels on certain measures. Ex- play a pivotal role in improving
turing possible at optimal costs port growth has also been strong outcomes for this sector. A high
and lead times, thus making us this year, greatly above pre-pan- level of data computing capabil-
globally competitive. demic levels. The trend is expected ity based on the enormous data
16 | March-April 2022 Modern Manufacturing India