Page 21 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 21

ufacturing know-how, the ges-  Exports, were shortlisted. As   around `14.42 lakh crore, with a
          tation period will be the next   per a 2018 research report    need for cumulative investment
          decade — even with technology   by the Center for Study of Sci-  worth  around  `12.50  lakh  crore
          transfer and ensured invest-  ence, Technology and Policy   for the same.
          ment from big players.        (CSTEP), a plant of this scale   The planning, investment, and
          Thirdly, access to raw materials   is estimated to cost around   long-term roadmap are worth-
          for manufacturing Li-ion batter-  `30,000 crore (US$4.6 billion)   while for the sustainable future
          ies is a raging issue. As a study   with a timeline of about three   that an EV-led transport system
          by European Commission 2020   years to become operational.  could create. As Carlos Ghosn,
          showed,  except  for  manganese   By 2030, the market for elec-  the ex-Nissan CEO, mentioned,
          and graphite, all the other raw   tric vehicle power packs is ex-  “Electric Cars are not going to
          materials are hardly available in   pected to reach US$300 billion,   take the market by storm, but
          India.  We  will  have  to  keep  im-  with a large secondary market   they are going to be a gradual
          porting from Australia, China,   of more than 2.5 million e-rick-  improvement.” In the same way,
          Brazil, Africa, and Canada for   shaws and 4,00,000 lead-acid   the Indian market cannot hurry
          raw materials like bauxite, cobalt,   battery-powered two-wheelers   to make EVs a reality.
          manganese, and natural graph-  now on the road. India would   Along with consistent policy
          ite, apart from lithium. In Febru-  require a minimum of 10 GWh   support, availability, and af-
          ary 2020, Union Minister Harsh   of Li-ion cells by 2022, accord-  fordability of capital for OEMs,   Along with
          Vardhan informed the Lok Sabha   ing to Government projections.   battery manufacturers, charge   policy sup-
          that India imported 450.3 million   By 2025, it will be around 60   point operators, and end con-  port, avail-
          Li-ion batteries in the April-No-  GWh, and by 2030, it will be   sumers would be vital in deter-  ability, and
          vember period of the financial   around 120 GWh.            mining the pace, efficiency, and   affordability
          year 2019-20, valued at US$929.26   Thus, even when the proj-  cost of India's transition in the   of capital
                                                                                                    for OEMs,
          million (over `7,200 crore). As per   ect  becomes  operational,  EV   transportation industry.  battery man-
          the data by the Ministry of Road   manufacturing  will  need  a  lot   Once underway, the indigenous   ufacturers,
          Transport & Highways (MoRTH),   of handholding and support   batteries can ensure a sustained   charge point
          the number of EVs registered in   to  become  viable.  Most  im-  supply to the EVs, irrespective   operators,
          2021-22 has grown by 218 per-  portantly, it will take a lot of    of global conflicts.  The batter-  and end
          cent from 1,34,853 in 2020-21 to   patience to see the EV market   ies will be more suited to Indian   ers would
          4,29,301  in  2021-22.  We  have  to   mature with sustainable do-  temperatures and geographical   be vital in
          see how much the economics of   mestic OEM supplies.        disparities through designs and   determining
          scale for import cost of raw mate-                          research. While it is accepted   the pace,
          rials versus manufacturing Li-ion   A sustainable future    that EVs will benefit the envi-  efficiency,
                                                                                                    and cost
          batteries and the investment is   According to a study by CEEW   ronment, in the long run, with   of India's
          required to make the first Giga-  Centre for Energy Finance   the right technology, over 90   transition in
          factory operational.          (CEEW-CEF), an initiative of   percent of Li-ion batteries can   the trans-
                                        the think tank the Council    be extracted and reused, thus   portation
          How can we address it?        on Energy, Environment, and   leading to a recycling of the   industry.
          However, none of the problems   Water (CEEW), the cumulative   e-waste being generated.
          is insurmountable if the stake-  EV sales in all vehicle segments   Most importantly, India is pro-
          holders involved in making EVs   could cross  over 100  million   jected to save over `1 lakh crore
          a reality in India are ready to   units by FY30, 200 times its   annually in crude oil imports
          join hands, plan long-term, and   current market size, as by the   with increased EV penetration,
          are dedicated to the cause.   end of March 2020, the total   as per the CEEW report of 2020.
          The Government, in 2021, in-  number of registered EVs in In-  A sustainable future will need
          troduced a  `18,100 crore Pro-  dia stood at only half a million.  planning and a detailed road-
          duction Linked Incentive (PLI)   The study also pointed out that   map  to see the positive  re-
          scheme for Advanced Chemis-   to realize  the  2030  ambition  of   sults that we are planning for.
          try Cell (ACC) battery storage,   India,  the country would need   India is roughly late by 15 years
          with a total manufacturing    an  estimated annual  battery   in the research and develop-
          capacity of 50 GigaWatt Hour   capacity  of 158  GWh  by  FY30,   ment of EVs and related OEM
          (GWh).   Subsequently,  four  thereby presenting a massive   technology.  However,  per-
          players, i.e., Reliance New En-  market opportunity  for do-  sistence and clarity, in this case,
          ergy Solar, Ola Electric, Hyun-  mestic  manufacturers.  Also,  will surely pave the way for
          dai Global Motors, and Rajesh    the  EV market will be worth   a better future.

                                                                                             July-August 2022 |  21

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