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advances made within the CAM
systems they are still limited
when compared to independent
third-party simulation systems,
such as VERICUT.
Limitations of CAM
CAM systems offer varying levels
of verification based on CL data,
that has been post-processed into
machine specific G-Code. In real- Source: CGTech
ity, this means the CAM system
is simulating something different
to what the machine will actually atic. While machine reference material removal and not actu-
run. This is, of course, one of the locations such as ‘going home’, ally simulating the actual ma-
main hurdles for CAM simulation where is ‘home’, how does it get chine motion.
and verification. there, as well as tool change lo- There are some verification sys-
Any simulation that runs on CL cations including where does it tems out there that state “we’re
data cannot be fully trusted. It need to go and how does it get simulating the actual G-Code”. VERICUT not
is not running the exact same there, are another major limita- What they are actually doing only sim-
thing that the actual machine tion of internal CAM verifica- is posting it and simulating it at ulates and
is running so there will be dif- tion systems. the same time and they are pro- verifies the
ferences. In essence, it is guess- The post-processor itself can jecting what their post is sup- accuracy of
ing and projecting what the also introduce errors that could posed to be doing. So, how can the machin-
machine will do as opposed to damage the part or the ma- you trust a post-processor driv- ing process,
representing what it will actu- chine. Most CAM verification en simulation? Who checks the it also
ally do. will use component software validity of the post-processor? optimizes
In addition, getting true param- for machine simulation, an out- the G-Code
eters from the machine such sourced generically integrated Independent G-Code verifi- by adjusting
the feed
as rotary behavior, shortest third-party plugin to the soft- cation is the only way rates for
distance and so on, is problem- ware and it is mainly just for Independent G-Code verifica-
each cut to
make the
safer, faster,
and more
Source: CGTech
July-August 2021 | 41