Page 46 - MMI_-- JulyAug2021 (single)
P. 46

Source: Innovation Filter System Pvt Ltd

           The main      year from the date of installa-  would  think about it when   ganization. It has been a steep
           reasons for   tion. However, we have some   things returned to normal. In   learning curve, and the task is
           IFS’s suc-    customers who have not re-    some cases, the company had to   not yet complete; however, we
           partnership   placed their elements for close   hold on to the finished inven-  are certainly better placed than
           with Transor,  to seven years,” he adds.    tory since the customers were   five years back,” he shares.
           according to   “In a short span of six years, Tran-  going through a challenging
           Kelkar, are   sor India  has  installations  with   situation and could not accept   Self-reliance is key
           cutting-edge   significant cutting tool manufac-  the deliveries.         To attain  the goal of  'Atmanir-
           unwavering    turers in India, the Middle East,   “However, some positives came   bhar  Bharat',  the  Government
           customer      and Southeast Asia. Transor India   out of this as well – it gave us   of India is looking up to MSMEs
           focus, and    systems  are currently  filtering   time to rethink our business   for turning the coronavirus cri-
           ethical and   close to 20,000 lt of grinding oil    and reassess our plans. The   sis into an opportunity through
           transparent   per minute. Globally, Transor   phase confirmed for us the ad-  sustained  focus  on  making
           relations.    systems  are filtering  close to    vantages of having good finan-  the Indian economy globally
                         6  million  lt of oil  per  minute,”    cial planning and sound finan-  competitive. Kelkar lauds the
                         he shares.                    cial management practices in   initiative as it has brought atten-
                         The main reasons for IFS's suc-  place. But, most importantly,   tion to India being a viable man-
                         cessful partnership with Tran-  it showed us the trust our em-  ufacturing hub. “We certainly
                         sor, according to Kelkar, are   ployees, suppliers, and partners   have the capability of competing
                         cutting-edge technology, un-  have in us and are ready to   on the world stage with great
                         wavering  customer  focus,  and   stand by us in times of crisis,”   and  diverse  human  resourc-
                         ethical and transparent busi-  he adds.                     es. However, there needs to be
                         ness relations.               Another breakthrough that IFS   a systemic, focused change in
                                                       achieved  during  these  times  is   the entire manufacturing eco-
                         Positive outlook              to focus its attention on build-  system. Governments and au-
                         Last year during the lockdown,   ing its brand. “Being an SME,   thorities will keep on changing,
                         IFS underwent an absolute     we always thought that brand   and the policies they implement
                         freeze in its functioning, Kelkar   is  something  big  corporates   may or may not always favor ev-
                         shares the changes in the wake   build. However, we have real-  ery MSME in each sector. Hence,
                         of the second wave of the pan-  ized that big corporates get big   it is up to the individual entre-
                         demic. Many of IFS's orders    because of their efforts to build   preneur or business owner to
                         got canceled since it could not   a successful brand. Hence, we   chart a course of action for their
                         deliver its systems on time;   have now concentrated our ef-  organizations based on their am-
                         many customers delayed their   forts on setting up a marketing   bition,” he sums up with a highly
                         investment  plans  stating  they   infrastructure  within  the  or-  valid point.

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