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Yet, when  we are faced with                                                                           ai161289472517_CGTech-FORCE-Ad-IN-PRINT.pdf   1   2/9/2021   10:18:46 AM
                         these challenges, we need to look
                         for unconventional  approach-
                         es;  we look towards  alternate
                         methods like battery swapping
                         or  more mobile charging  for
                         example. To leapfrog technology
                         to explore beyond  the  conven-
                         tional  charging infrastructure                                                        Source: Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, India
                         is the key here.
                         Of course, we cannot talk of
                         EVs without considering that
                         the move towards renewable
                         energy is another crucial piece
                         of the puzzle. The source of en-  es, and 80 percent for two- and   become the top priority for most
                         ergy should not be, as it is now,   three- wheelers by 2030.    consumers,  this  is  actually  pos-
                         from a non-renewable source.   More crucially,  these  targets,  if   itive. It could  mean  that people
           As more       The good news, from India's   achieved,  could see  a  reduction   are starting to see EVs as a real-
           EVs find      policy point of  view, is that   of 14 exajoules of energy and 846   istic  option  and are considering
           their way
           onto our      there is a lot of push for  this,     million  tonne  of CO  emissions   the practicalities of ownership.
           roads,        especially the solar energy.  over the  lifetime  of the  vehicle.   In its report, Deloitte expects
           personal                                    Potentially, EVs  sold from now   to see some of the biggest bar-  C
           recommen-     Undimmed potential            till  2030 could  save  474  million   riers to EVs completely re-  M
           dations and   Even with these issues, the light   tonne of oil worth $207.33 billion   moved in the near future. Its
           experi-                                                                                                  Y
           ences will    for EVs is undimmed. Globally,   over its lifetime.         report finds that EVs’ driving   CM
           soon over-    EV sales have risen year-on-                                range is already comparable to
           come the      year, seeing a slight dip largely   Shift in consumer       that of ICE vehicles and price    MY
           concerns.     due to the ongoing pandemic.   behavior                     has already reached parity, tak-
           Friends and   Rapid urbanization, consumer   Moreover, consumer behaviors   ing into consideration the sub-  CY
           families as                                                                                             CMY
           well as the   demand, commitments by na-    are changing quickly. The con-  sidies in various markets and
           expected      tions for net zero emissions and   sumer demand has certainly   the total cost of ownership, and   K
           rise of       an undeniably strong push to-  increased. The younger genera-  the number of models available
           commer-       wards environmental sustain-  tion is increasingly demanding   is increasing.
           cial EVs,     ability are indeed the driving   for more sustainable solutions   As  more  EVs  find  their  way
           in India,     factors for EVs.              to transportation, and if their   onto  our  roads,  personal  rec-
           will further   In India, think-tanks like the NITI   concerns are addressed, there is   ommendations  and  experi-
           reassure      Aayog have pegged EV sales pen-  little to stop them from embrac-  ences will soon overcome the
           consumers     etration in India at 70 percent for   ing EVs.  Their growing aware-  concerns. Friends and families
           to make       commercial cars, 30 percent  for   ness about climate change and   as well as the expected rise of
           the switch.
                         private cars, 40 percent for bus-  the need for sustainability have   commercial  EVs,  especially
                                                       been driving a spurt in the de-  in India, will further reassure
                                                         mand  for  EVs.  Deloitte,  in   consumers to make the switch.
                                                            its report on EV vehicle   Ultimately, only when  the  puz-
                                                              trends, noted that from   zle pieces are in place are we able
                                                               2018 to 2020, there   to see the full picture. The push
                                                                were some notice-    towards  EVs  cannot  be  done
                                                                 able changes in     in silos. The ecosystem  for EVs
                         Source: Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, India  concern. While the lack of   renewable energy to range con-
                                                                 consumer attitudes
                                                                                     needs  to encompass  everything
                                                                                     from charging  infrastructure to
                                                                 toward EVs.
                                                                 Concerns  over the
                                                                                     cerns  to cost. Only in  this  way,
                                                                 cost/price  premium
                                                                have diminished as
                                                                                     true  transformation  and  the
                                                                                     electrification of vehicles can be
                                                               fewer consumers now
                                                                                     achieved and  become the  new
                                                              cite  driving  range  as  a
                                                                                     normal  for the  future  of trans-

          26  |  July-August 2021                        charging  infrastructure  has   portation and mobility.
                                                                                         Modern Manufacturing India
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