Page 25 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 25

orthopaedic implants but the                                               Source: Modern Machine Shop
biggest challenge is usually the
surface finish. For this reason,     On the left, trying to cut with the tip of the tool where there is not any velocity. By tipping the tool,
post-machining hand finishing        you use a larger portion of the of the diameter to get good cutting conditions.
is still usually required with belt
grinding, polishing, and buffing.    shapes common in the Ortho-           ting tools. With simultaneous                                        The biggest
And it is time consuming. These      paedics industry essentially          five-axis machining you can                                          challenge
finishing processes can take 45      dictates the need for five-ax-        maintain a constant tool vec-                                        in ma-
minutes for a single part. Unfor-    is machining. This can be ac-         tor to a 3D workpiece surface,                                       chining
tunately, no practical machining     complished with a 3-axis mill         which with a ball nose end mill                                      orthopaedic
process today eliminates the         fit with a tilt/rotary table in a     should not be a vertical orienta-                                    implants
need for hand finishing of these     3+2 configuration, but there          tion. When feeding a ball mill                                       is usually
parts, but a high-performance        typically will be a sacrifice in      vertical to a workpiece surface,                                     the surface
machine and stable machining         speed, surface finish and pre-        you are essentially dragging the                                     finish.
process can dramatically cut         cision compared to a fully inte-      tip of the tool across that surface                                  For this
that time and machining cycle        grated five-axis machine.             at zero rpm, which is hardly an                                      reason,
time as well.                        On a good two-axis auxiliary          efficient cutting process.                                           post-ma-
How do you do that? Improved         table, you might typically see        By tilting the tool relative to the                                  chining
surface quality can be achieved      positioning accuracy of ±3-5          surface, you utilize the effective                                   hand
through the combination of en-       arc sec. and 30 to 50 rpm in          flute length, of the tool efficient-                                 finishing is
gineered cutting parameters and      speed. By comparison, Maki-           ly. This effectively increases the                                   still usually
proper toolpath strategies. For ex-  no’s DA300 five-axis machining        surface footage of the tool and                                      required
ample, on a performance-based        center, which is used widely in       can boost metal removal rates                                        with belt
machining center, moving from a      the medical industry, uses di-        by as much as 40-50 percent, yet                                     grinding,
25 Ra surface finish up to a 32 Ra   rect drive servo technology on        still generate better surface fin-                                   polishing,
could reduce your cycle time by      its tilt/trunnion table and can       ishes and blends.                                                    and buffing.
50 percent for a femoral implant,    achieve positioning accuracy          It is also important not to scrimp                                   And it is
providing consistent, predictable    and repeatability of ±2 arc. sec.     on the quality of the tooling. Pre-                                  time con-
results. Providing a precise and     on the tilt and a contouring          cision ground tools generate less                                    suming.
predictable surface finish allows    speed of 100 rpm. The rotary          vibration to produce better sur-
end users to develop more effi-      axis is accurate to ±1 arc. sec. and  faces, and last longer too. Tool-
cient and effective secondary        can achieve 150 rpm. Combine          holders are also extremely im-
finishing processes, which can       that with X-Y-Z axes that can         portant to minimize tool runout,
reduce these operations by as        feed up to 1968 ipm and a 20,000      which also degrades tool life and
much as 50 percent.                  rpm spindle and you have a            finish quality. For high-speed
To help find the sweet spot of       much more capable platform for        machining in these difficult ma-
machine time vs finishing time,      high-speed 3D machining.              terials, a shrink fit may not be
Makino application engineers         Being able to accurately feed         mandatory, but it is recommend-
have developed strategies that       and articulate the tool to work-      ed. You can get a payback in the
first look at the required output    piece so quickly also enables         range of 20 percent improve-
surface finish and then create       much more efficient use of cut-       ment in tool life.
machining parameters accord-
ingly. That, of course, could be
done with any machine. But to
move the needle to a more effi-
cient process overall is to apply
machining technology that is
very fast, accurate and stable
over long process runs so you can
reduce finishing without having
to pay a heavy penalty in ma-
chining time.

Five-axis machining is
a given
Generating 3D part and tooling                                                          | 25March-April 2021
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