Page 22 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 22
Source: EPLAN Software & Service
The global EPLAN Virtual Fair is taking place for the sixth time on April 28-29, 2021. (Photo from 2020)
EPLAN Virtual Fair 2021 to Run for Two Days
The global EPLAN Virtual Fair is taking place for the sixth time on April 28 and 29, 2021.
The event will cover two full days across different time zones, and will include live talks,
topic-specific and country-specific webcasts and software demonstrations of the new solutions
found on the EPLAN Platform.
T he EPLAN Virtual Fair is opening its digital doors this dustrial panel building, and the topic of roundtrip engineering
year for the sixth time and for two full days in a row for are just a few of the many themes being covered throughout
the first time. Visitors can expect a wide range of topics the multifaceted conference program. This year those themes
covering professional engineering and integrated, end-to-end are being supplemented with new live talks for industry man-
processes. Live talks for c-level executives, customer best prac- agement pertaining to Automotive, Energy, Building Automa-
tices and a new partner area offer attendees constructive inspi- tion, Maritime and Process industries.
ration. Topic-specific and country-specific webcasts and soft- There will be six different live demonstrations on software
ware demonstrations of the new solutions found on the EPLAN topics each day, and experts will be providing practical in-
Platform provide incentives and outlooks for further develop- sights into EPLAN Platform innovations. The opportunities
ments, including in cloud contexts. of the new cloud services as part of EPLAN ePulse are also on
The EPLAN Virtual Fair has a globally established format and the program, not to mention the efficiency potential that can
this time has a new, clear design with numerous topic-specific be found in control cabinet and switchgear system engineer-
expansions for management and users alike. “After the success ing. There is also some fun element added with various on-
of the past years, we are expanding the EPLAN Virtual Fair line games where attendees will be able to (virtually) compete
to cover two full days across different time zones,” says Haluk against one another. The prizes include three online update
Menderes, Managing Director, EPLAN Software & Service. The trainings for the EPLAN Platform.
reason behind the change is that there are more topics to cover
and visitor interest is on the rise. With almost a 20 percent in- Partners to get their own presence
crease in participants from more than 70 countries in 2020, the There is a newly created community area, offering all the
importance of this major virtual event is clear. companies participating in the EPLAN Partner Network the
possibility to participate with their own ‘onsite’ presence.
Comprehensive program It is set up to be a small trade show within the Virtual Fair.
Top-class leadership talks at the management level on the eco- Numerous opportunities for networking are yet another
system of industrial automation, the potential to be found in in- reason for visitors from around the world to attend: a live
chat, this time including a 1:1 video chat, offers everyone
interested the chance to talk shop and exchange ideas across
national borders in a virtual space. For registration go to:
Source: EPLAN Software & Service Source: EPLAN Software & Service
“After the success of the past years, we’re expanding the EPLAN Virtual Fair to cover Leadership talks at the management level are being supplemented with new live talks for
two full days across different time zones,” says Haluk Menderes, Managing Director, industry management. (Photo from 2020).
EPLAN Software & Service.
22 | March-April 2021 Modern Manufacturing India